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 Kundalini Issues Not Related to the AYP System
 Can stress delay my kundalini process?
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Posted - Jan 19 2025 :  3:32:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message

I started a new job in the beginning of December 2024 after 6 months break from work. I feel that my work stress make me very lethargic and I have low energy and mood + bad sleep. I am therefore not doing as much spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga as before and I am concerned that my kundalini awakening process is therefore going to be "delayed"

But I am doing work that is not aligned with my value and which isn't really anything I enjoy (nothing evil just after sales in a big corporation) I tried finding a job that may be more aligned but I couldn't find any and only received rejections. I feel that maybe it wasn't the right time to find a job that may suite me better. Also only this job didn't cause me to have panic attack during the interview so I picked this one instead of other positions. Deep down I know it's only a temporary job until I hopefully achieve full kundalini awakening.

But I am concerned that this job gives me set back in my spirituality or delays my kundalini process.

When I meditate I still feel heavy blockages around my throat and heart chakra. I still feel that the energy causes uncomfortable sensation such as anger and pain coming up from my solar plexus that needs to be released and head moving by itself aka kriya, so I only meditate 15 min every session.

Do you think my current work situation will delay my spiritual process? Can it prevent me from achieving full kundalini awakening? Is there anything else I can do to support my spiritual process? I also need to add that I am receiving psychotherapy counselling since last July and it will be extended this month. I hope this will also support my healing process...

Much appreciate ur thoughts and advise on that...


5280 Posts

Posted - Jan 19 2025 :  5:39:00 PM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi cookie20,

Balancing work with spiritual practice is an important part of our path. It can be done. Since you have posted in the non-AYP related forum category, does this mean you are using another meditation practice, and other spiritual teachings? I ask, because in AYP, kundalini awakening is not the first priority. Cultivating abiding inner silence through daily deep meditation is, which enlivens our daily activities, increasing our ability to act with more of a natural service attitude and happiness in our interactions with others. So any job can become a fertile field for spiritual progress.

In the AYP approach, kundalini (energetic awakening) comes along when it will as part of our overall unfoldment. Putting an energetic awakening first, before we have developed a stable foundation of abiding inner silence, can be destabilizing. Best to build our house of energetic awakening on the rock of abiding inner silence. This is how we do it in AYP.

If you have had some issues that have led you to seek professional counseling, this is a good choice, and part of your path. Whatever your spiritual practices are, you are wise to "self-pace" them in order to maintain stability and progress in your daily activity. The suggestion is to not worry about awakening kundalini. If you can find a balance in your meditation practice, bringing more inner silence into your life, along with work and the counseling, then this will be a good way forward. All things in good time...

Others here may offer their perspectives based on their experiences.

All the best!

The guru is in you.

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3 Posts

Posted - Jan 19 2025 :  7:52:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Yogani

Many thanks for your reply. It's good to hear that despite having a job is stressful and not aligned with me, it can be a good spiritual learning ground... Maybe that's why god gave me this job to learn and practice more....

", does this mean you are using another meditation practice, and other spiritual teachings?"

Unfortunately I don't have any specific meditation practices or following other spiritual teachings. I do read different things and books about spirituality and I try different meditation practices without having any specific teachings or directions. I did some courses in the past and watch YouTube videos.... April 2023, suddenly I received some sort of energtic rising and ever since my life have been somewhat tumultuous and I feel the energy non stop. I didn't ask for it and I never heard of kundalini before. It just happened during a meditation session at home. Therefore I'm not familiar with any specific spiritual teachings and I am not familiar with ayp teachings. I signed up here to receive help. Been reading alot in other forums such as quora and reddit about kundalini.

I was trying to practice some ayp teachings when I was a plus member for a short time and read some of your content. but whenever I tried ur practices my energy gets aggrevated and I needed to stop or pause for a while.

I think my aim of this whole spiritual process is to free myself from myself.. My energetic blockages, my old wounds trauma... Be finally realising my true self and transform and eventually experience joy in life and be service of others.

At the moment I find it difficult to be existing in general. Work, people, social interaction... Its too much. So I am trying to free myself and was hoping I'm on the right direction and not stuck due to circumstances.

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2523 Posts

Posted - Jan 19 2025 :  8:03:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi cookie20
In the ayp lessons it is mentioned that kundalini awakening is under the hood.
We talk about kundalini a lot but the focus is on doing the practices , trusting the process and enjoying it until things become ripe...a relaxed approach along constancy in practices works the best
To be truthful there is no finish line in yoga...you don't awake kundalini and say hurray I made it...the process continues in all our life gets woven in the fabric of our life and that includes the non spiritual stuff we might have like a mundane job
There is nothing wrong in having a mundane job and since it is what present in your life then carry on with it and accept it....maybe later you will find another job more to your liking...but meanwhile the reality of this job means that it is there for a reason
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10 Posts

Posted - Jan 19 2025 :  9:33:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi cookie20,
I believe that if you're feeling like there is too much going on in your life (work, people, etc..) it might help to reduce that a bit. I guess that it's more of a question of looking out for your well-being than your 'spiritual progress'.

At the same time, not all our circumstances in life are easily and immediately changeable. Cultivating inner silence through meditation (for example AYP's deep meditation) can be a way to realize that we're more than our circumstances.

If you found the AYP methods to aggravate you energy, it is good that you didn't force it too much. It is important to only practice deep meditation for as long as it is comfortable to you (even if it's just 5-10min). You seem to already be dosing your meditation though

Best of luck
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2310 Posts

Posted - Jan 20 2025 :  12:13:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
My immediate advice is to build grounding into your everyday life and do no spiritual practices, readings, or videos until your inner turbulence has calmed. This free lesson from here will give you education and strategies:


Once you stabilize, a deep meditation practice will prepare your body to handle your already awakened energy is a slow, systematic way. (link to meditation lessons on left side of page) Right now your cart is before the horse, it's time to stop and put things in order.
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