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 Tantra - A Holistic View of Spiritual Development
 Perineum muscles permamently "locked"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
microcosm Posted - Aug 01 2015 : 03:25:46 AM
My perineum muscles are permamently locked. I don't mean tense, they are contracted all the time. When I see something arousing sexually, I fell them involuntary easing a bit, but never completely. During sex, or masturbation it feels like I'm fighting against my body to reach orgasm. I feel like sexual energy can't flow, because it's blocked at this point.

After taking LSD, the block was gone and I was able to feel the sexual energy flowing unobstructed. Sex finally felt "right", like a continuous stream of pleasure instead of tiring fighting.

State of infatuation (beginning stage of being in love) also removes that block. Not so completely as LSD, but sexualy stimulation feels pleasant and not 'forced'.

Any thoughts on that? Is this an energy block? If so, how do I deal with it?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
microcosm Posted - Aug 02 2015 : 07:13:49 AM
I'm pushing the gas pedal too hard. Thanks both of you for pointing this out.

Charliedog Posted - Aug 02 2015 : 02:36:35 AM
As I see in your other post, you are in the witness state. Could it be that you are to much observing all parts of the body. That you are a bit worried about blockages?
Grounding practices can help you, walking in nature, exercise, work that body out with asana practice for instance. After that lye down and do the bodyscan. Relax.
Dogboy Posted - Aug 01 2015 : 08:16:33 AM
Wait a minute: the perineum is contacted all the time, except when aroused sexually, but during sex it's blocked again? Then you have sex under the influence of LSD and all is right again? Infatuation loosens the block?? On, off, on, off; sorry, I can't take this seriously.

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