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Lesson 396
Do Online Forums Inhibit
Spiritual Progress? (Audio)
From: Yogani
April 29, 2010
New Visitors: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the archive, as previous
lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "Why
This Discussion?"
Q: Have you given consideration to concerns about online forums creating or
perpetuating spiritual (ego) identification? Or do you figure practices will
eventually take care of it? I ask because sometimes the goal-orientation,
intensity and multiple approaches to practice discussed in online forums are
quite distracting for me.
A: Yes, there can be the distraction
of striving and multiple approaches in online communities. But it cuts both
ways, you know, as any spiritual interaction does, including any kind of
in-person satsang, or even reading books. We can gain from the interaction,
while possibly increasing identification with spiritual concepts and
energies at the same time. It has been called "spiritual materialism," and
it is certainly not limited to one kind of human interaction, or even one
style of individual practice. It happens with the lone yogi in the cave too.
It is the very thing we are overcoming with our practices.
Some may
accuse practices themselves of being a distraction, and we know how
unproductive that assertion is. Clearly we must be doing something to
advance our spiritual progress. How we go about that is more a matter of
mechanics than the degree to which we may be identified with what we are
doing. The mechanics of sound practices will lift us out of identified
awareness, regardless of what our attitude may be about them. This is why we
say, "Always favor the practice over the experience (mental perception)."
The same goes for interactions in online forums, or anywhere else. We can
gain from such interactions, assuming we are reasonably steady in our
practice. Indeed, one of the primary purposes of spiritual interactions is
to give us confidence to proceed with our practices for as long as it takes
to loosen the grip of identified awareness, and move
beyond the pitfalls of life in duality (endless identified subject-object
If we are becoming increasingly distracted
from our practices through interactions in an online forum, or elsewhere,
then it is time to "self-pace" our activity there. It can happen with any
mode of activity. We can become overloaded, and need a break. It isn't
necessarily about disengaging entirely. It is about regulating
spiritual practices and activities in a
balanced way, always favoring that which cultivates the abiding witness
within us in a stable way. Without stability in our routine, our progress
will be irregular and uncertain.
And, yes, inner silence cultivated
in deep meditation will dissolve all of the identification and dislocations
over time. Along the way, we gain an edge in any sort of interaction or life
experience, an ability to allow whatever is happening to relax in our
stillness. Then all of our experiences become stepping stones toward a state
of perpetual freedom through all the ups and downs of everyday life.
Online forums can bring an element of constant spiritual interaction
into our lives. Sometimes it may be helpful, and other times not. We will
know it when we see it, and we should regulate our participation
accordingly. Online forums are a relatively new phenomenon, and we should be
wise about considering their advantages and disadvantages in relation to our
path at any point in time. If we are unable to regulate our participation in
a healthy way, then it is time to step back. It may be in our nature to
over-indulge, and we can treat an obsession with online forums like we would
any other obsession. It is always in our best interest to take what is
useful and leave the rest alone. This applies to all spiritual interactions,
gurus and teachers, writings, and life experiences in general.
Identification with spiritual discussions and concepts is not reserved to
online interactions. It is present in all interactions we are
involved in, even in solitude. We take ourselves wherever we go. No
matter what we are doing in life, spiritual development always boils down to
transcending through whatever we are identified with in this moment, aided
by the daily cultivation of abiding inner silence. If our practice is real,
so too will everything else we are doing become real in an eternal divine
flow, rather than in endless intellectualizing. As long as we have the
mechanics of daily practice in hand, we will find the freedom to explore
many things and gain support from them. And what does not support, we will
have the inner strength to let go. Ultimately, we will let go of everything,
even while fully engaged. This is the paradox and mystery of spiritual life.
We become one with everything everywhere, and
at the same time we are nothing and nowhere, only
pure bliss consciousness. This is experiential,
not conceptual. Conceptually, it makes no sense. Experientially, it is
perfectly natural. It is life in the joy of eternal divine flow.
This is why we focus so much on the mechanics of practice in AYP, and
very little on philosophy and concepts that tend to take us in circles. Much
better to be going straight ahead into direct experience. Then we become
That, and our interactions in online forums and everywhere else will be
an aid to everyone who seeks happiness and freedom in this life.
The guru is in you.
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