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Lesson 17 -
Was I Asleep in Meditation?
From: Yogani
Date: Tue Nov 25, 2003 0:12pm
New Visitors: It is recommended you read from the beginning of the archive, as previous
lessons are prerequisite to this one. The first lesson is, "Why
This Discussion?"
Q: I think I fell asleep during meditation, though I don't think I lost consciousness. It
seemed I was awake, but I had no sense of time or anything. Then I realized my head was on
my chest and looked at my watch. Thirty minutes had gone by. I felt pretty groggy. I felt
pretty unsteady and it didn't feel right to just get up, so I lay down for a while. Then I
was okay. Was I asleep?
A: No sensory
experience, no mantra, no thoughts, but still conscious inside - were you
asleep? Probably not. Meditation sometimes produces a sleep-like state, like
you described, but the physiological parameters are different. The
metabolism goes much lower than in sleep. Heart rate and breathing are much
slower than in sleep, nearly stopped. The body and mind come to a state of
complete silence, while still awake inside. The level of rest in the body
and mind in meditation is deeper than sleep. It is a different kind of rest
that removes impurities; obstructions to consciousness that sleep cannot
reach. However, meditation is not a replacement for sleep, which has its own
dynamics in the daily rejuvenation cycle.
People who have been
meditating for years may have less need for sleep due to the accumulated
purity in their nervous systems. It is not that meditation replaces sleep.
It is that the body and mind gradually have become purified over time and
the body needs less purification during its daily sleep cycle. It is the
purity resulting from long-term meditation and other advanced yoga practices
that generally reduces the need for sleep. In time, consciousness remains
present twenty-four hours a day. Then, daily activities, dreaming, and deep
sleep are all playing like a movie on the screen of our silent, blissful
awareness. In this state we are never asleep anymore. This is the kind of
freedom and happiness we all are capable of achieving naturally - our
You did just right by lying down at the end of
your session until you were able to get up feeling clear and smooth. This is
another circumstance where extra rest after meditation is needed. Much
cleansing went on during the meditation. Many different kinds of experiences
can happen during meditation, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. It
is all part of the same process of easily thinking the mantra and letting it
settle in. Then the purification happens. We let it happen. Then, when we
become aware, we return to the mantra and let the mind dive again. This
process, done twice daily for twenty minutes, will gradually transform your
life to bliss.
Remember to count any experiences while off the
mantra as part of your meditation time. It is okay that you became aware of
the time again after thirty minutes. It was a natural event in your
meditation. Whenever anything like that happens and you go past your
allotted time, be sure to go through the appropriate rest period to finish
the session. If you keep your meditation balanced with the right amount of
rest at the end, you will always get up feeling refreshed and ready for
The guru is in you.
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at: http://www.aypsite.com/plus/17.html.
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