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 Kundalini - always a harsh happening?
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Posted - Jan 17 2009 :  8:55:46 PM  Show Profile  Visit YogaIsLife's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message

I was reading something about J. Krishnamurti in wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_Krishnamurti, I recommend the whole article by the way) that I am going to quote here:

It was in Ojai, in August 1922, that Krishnamurti went through an intense, "life-changing" experience.[39][40] It has been simultaneously, and invariably, characterised as a spiritual awakening, a psychological transformation, and a physical conditioning. Krishnamurti and those around him would refer to it as "the process", and it continued, at very frequent intervals and varying forms of intensity, until his death.[41][42] According to witnesses, it started on the 17th, with Krishnamurti complaining of extraordinary pain at the nape of his neck, and a hard, ball-like swelling. Over the next couple of days, the symptoms worsened, with increasing pain, extreme physical discomfort and sensitivity, total loss of appetite and occasional delirious ramblings. Then, he seemed to lapse into unconsciousness; actually, he recounted that he was very much aware of his surroundings and while in that state, he had an experience of mystical union.[43] The following day the symptoms, and the experience, intensified, climaxing with a sense of "immense peace".[44]

"...I was supremely happy, for I had seen. Nothing could ever be the same. I have drunk at the clear and pure waters and my thirst was appeased. ...I have seen the Light. I have touched compassion which heals all sorrow and suffering; it is not for myself, but for the world. ...Love in all its glory has intoxicated my heart; my heart can never be closed. I have drunk at the fountain of Joy and eternal Beauty. I am God-intoxicated."[45]

Similar incidents continued with short intermissions until October, and later eventually resumed regularly, always involving varying degrees of physical pain to mark the start of "the process", accompanied by what is variably described as "presence", "benediction", "immensity", and "sacredness", which was reportedly often felt by others present.

Several explanations have been proposed for the events of 1922, and "the process" in general.[46] Leadbeater and other theosophists, although they expected the "vehicle" to have certain paranormal experiences, were mystified by the developments, and were at a loss to explain the whole thing.

I guess this is a kundalini rising and the subsequent awakening. We all know of many "famous" stories of kundalini awakenings, like Gopi Krishna, etc. What I would like to know from people with an awakened kundalini is whether a kundalini awakening is always like a bolt of lightnening, sudden and strong, like in the case of Krishnamurti or it can be smoother. I read many accounts of people that became famous mystics of these sudden transforming experiences that I associate with kundalini. My hope is that, if one knows what is happening and how it works more or less (AYP helps a lot in this) one is able to have a more smooth awakening and also understand better what is happening when it is happening.

(yes, my mind is still afraid of the sudden jolt I had a lot of sudden energy and strange experiences in the past that were not all very pleaseant so I am quite cautious about "sudden awakenings" and would like to avoid them to the maximum; until now AYP deep meditation has been a great stabilizer for me, probably building the solid foundation that was missing in my castles in the air)


99 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2009 :  10:51:47 PM  Show Profile  Visit Neptune's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I would say that when the heart chakra begins to open there is a surge through there for a few hours. As long as you know what is happening you won't worry about a heart attack. But I think there is no getting around that happening, several times.
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Posted - Jan 18 2009 :  2:51:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit mikkiji's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I have written about my experiences in various places--I copy some of that narrative here:

I spent about 4 months of total celibacy, enforced by my wife’s fatal illness, my own hectic schedule and the demands on my body, emotions and time. I never really even noted it to myself, I was just too busy, so much of my energy consumed in staying balanced and whole. In early May of 2004, I had, while lying in bed one night awaiting sleep, a profound sense of “itching” in the region around the base of my spine–not outside on the skin, but deeply within. My awareness was automatically drawn to this sensation, and as it was, my conscious awareness had the perception of scratching this itch. Suddenly, I felt an unwinding sensation below the base of my spine, behind my genitals, as if a coiled spring was uncoiling. The uncoiling energy quickly resolved itself into something giving a serpent-like impression. This snake energy then quickly raised itself from what seemed like hatching from an egg, and traveled up my spine in the form of a liquid light or a liquid fire, illuminating and energizing various parts of my physiology as it rose. This took place over a period of perhaps nearly an hour, and occasionally during this time, my body would shake or twitch, violently at times, and my breath would change dramatically, all by itself. I had absolutely no clue as to what might be happening, but it was neither painful nor particularly frightening, so I did not resist it. When this liquid serpent energy reached my head, it erupted there with a blaze of light and a rushing sound like a strong wind, a sort of “Whooooosshhh!”, which continued for quite some time. I lay there in bed all night like that, engulfed with this light, energy and noise, my body vibrating, and a feeling that I was not only IN my body, but that my presence was extending outward into the room beyond the boundaries of my physical being.

That first morning, having not slept a wink, I got out of the shower and looked out of the eastward-facing bathroom window at the spring sunrise. As the sun rose, the light pouring forth from my head and the sunlight streaming into the window merged into an overwhelming unity which caused my body to become weightless, elastic, electric and expanded my awareness almost infinitely outward. I floated like that, dripping dry in the sun, not understanding anything, for what seemed like hours, days, perhaps years. I almost feared moving–I did not wish to go back into the bedroom and alarm my wife with the electrical storms I felt must be raging about my head. But only a few minutes had passed, and she noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I dressed and went to work, somehow, not doing, only being. Later that night, after checking my e-mail, I ventured into the Yahoo! Yoga Chat Room, an interesting discussion forum I’d just discovered a few weeks before. There, a gentleman and I began a discussion which led to my describing my experiences of the previous 24 hours. This man, a Qigong student (sometimes spelled Chi Gong or Chi Kung), told me that I had narrated a classic description of Kundalini Awakening. He told me a little about what that meant, but said it was much too complex for him to cover in such a forum, and he pointed me to the works of an Indian author named Gopi Krishna. I ordered a book by Mr. Krishna, Googled “kundalini” and read some on-line information, trying to allow body, mind, emotions, sensations, perceptions, spirit and universe to come to some equilibrium. I felt powerful, balanced, centered, yet oddly delicate and fragile. I walked about as if in some strange dream for the next few days, still flooded with this energy flow. The world looked and sounded different, smelled and tasted different, felt physically different–more alive, pulsating, streaming with a force I had somehow never noticed before.

This is only a part of the narrative. I had been doing very advanced spiritual practices at that time for over 30 years, so this didn't exactly come from out of nowhere. The final resolution of this is still underway, and the profound changes still resolving themselves, now almost 5 years later. So, NO, not all awakenings are necessarily violent or difficult.
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Posted - Jan 18 2009 :  5:20:12 PM  Show Profile  Visit YogaIsLife's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you so much Neptune and Michael for your answers.

Your story, Michael, is overwhelming. Beautiful. It was an intense experience but it seems like you were able to master it well then, probably due to your previous spiritual practices being balanced with probably a lot of effective meditation and inner silence present that allowed you to let the experience flow and remain centered at the same time. Those are great news.

Can you please point me to your original post so I can read more as I have not yet seen it?

So, kundalini is a transformatory experience that is probably unavoidable but it is good to know that it is manageable if one has good solid inner silence and can let it flow. Thank you.
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Czech Republic
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Posted - Jan 18 2009 :  5:25:10 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi, have you read this lesson by yogani? http://www.aypsite.org/297.html
It may be of use to you.
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Posted - Jan 19 2009 :  05:26:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Yogaislife,

Krishnamurti used to do very intensive self-inquiry, and spent almost all his time in a state of meditation. It is not a safe way to go about spiritual practice and it is not surprising that when his kundalini awakened it was dramatic and painful. There are much safer ways to awaken the kundalini, as we know, and with safe spiritual practices it can be more about living in a fountain of ecstasy, than about suffering. Krishnamurti took the hard road, driven by his spiritual desire... today we can take the sunlit path.

My kundalini awoke whilst doing AYP practices and has been nothing but joy to work with ever since.

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Posted - Jan 19 2009 :  07:47:47 AM  Show Profile  Visit YogaIsLife's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Great replies, thank you all.

Perhaps you can make me understand one more thing. I started AYP some 8 months ago and it has been wonderful since then. I just do 10min of meditation twice daily because that seems to be the perfect thing for me for the moment. more than that is too much.

Even before starting AYP (and I started it because of that) I had many many "strange" things happening to me, energy movements, very affected moods, etc. I did not know anything about yoga or kundalini then. I was so drained and so exausted and I didn't know what was happenign to me. Also, some years before that I had some strong mystical experiences, not involving any lights though, I never experienced such things as I read here or typical of kundalini, but more a shift in consciussness that lasted for about 3 months where I felt part of the whole, connected to everything and living in the flow of life, in harmony, sort to speak. That disapeared suddenly, as it came. Before that, and the thing that mostly resembles anything to do with kundalini, was a flash of light I felt coming up and because of it I had a torn retina (retinal detachment) on my left eye. Don't know if it was kundalini, but definitely some kind of energy.

And that is where I am coming at: is kundalini always a sudden jolt or it can be any (perceptible) energy movement inside us. Lately, since doing AYP, I clearly feel more manageable and smooth energy movements inside me, as things are "coming into place". Meditation seems to order and channel all the chaotic energy flows that were happening inside of me and allowed me to lead a normal life again, feeling stable again, after years of unbalances. I also feel a more organic sensation in the abdomen, I think is the glow, minty substance people talk about here sometimes, a glow and warmth that floods my tummy area and seems to flow upwards. I think this is the sexual essences mixing with food and air that yogani talks about in the front channel.

But because I had all these dramatic disruptive experiences I wonder if that was kundalini and it is already awakened. I am scared it is not all yet and honestly I am scared of the jolt-like experiences people describe (like Michael above) because I am afraid of being disrupted again as I seemed to be very sensitive to energies inside me. My strategy has been to concentrate only on deep meditation as it is clear to me that it cultivates inner silence and that unshakable center in me, something I lacked strongly and I am happy to have found something that works! Honestly! I feel it saved my life!

In short: how do I prepare to such a shock of a kundalini awakening? Is it possible that because of my past history I might have already at least partly awakened the kundalini although I seldom saw any lights or had out of this world transcendental experiences? (I don't look for them actually, I felt bad enough already...). Can't kundalini be what I describe above - an increased energy, for sure, but one that can be refined and it is flowing more smoothly in the system (like I seem to experience now) or sooner or later I can expect a sudden jolt-like awakening?

[I guess you can tell I am scared of it...at the same time I trust nature and I believe if it happens again it will happen when I am ready to take it but because of my past mistakes I am afraid. I pushed it in the past so it does not harm this time to be well prepared!]
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Posted - Jan 19 2009 :  10:50:01 AM  Show Profile  Visit michaelangelo7's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
i had a smooth awakening until after ajna. after i saw the blue bindu and white star things got a little overwhelming. i have also wondered how to make it smoother. kundalini is only 1 type of yoga that suits a certain type of personality. and i have come to the conclusion that it is not compatible with mine. in the beginning before i even knew about kundalini or chakras or anything, i always heard OM sounds within. i now realize that i should have stuck with the inner sounds by practicing nada yoga. the nadis are part of the subtle body, nadis or nada means sound vibrations or flow of the sounds. the sounds flow thru the nadis up to brahma bindu where the curl of hair spirals out. kundalini means curl of the beloved, this is why brahman priests shave their hair and only leave the hair where bindu is. so.... u cant have a smooth kundalini awakening without having purified the nadis. nada yoga helps u do that. the inner sounds are still or unstruck sounds, so deep meditation/sitting in stillness is pretty much the same thing as doing nada yoga. so my analogy is play your music flute like a gypsy and the serpent will rise up, u dont have to try or force anything, just sit back and surrender and everything will be OK.

Edited by - michaelangelo7 on Jan 19 2009 10:59:38 AM
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Posted - Jan 20 2009 :  3:56:00 PM  Show Profile  Visit arzkiyahai's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
great topic yogaislife something I always wonder myself.. if kundalini is always a harsh happening. I really hope its not always so.

Wonderful experience mikkiji, thanks for sharing.

Edited by - arzkiyahai on Jan 20 2009 4:09:20 PM
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Posted - Jan 20 2009 :  5:04:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Neptune's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Reluctantly, I thought I would expand on my previous comments.
Everything in the universe including the energy body, consists of polarities. For there to be light, there must be it's opposite, darkness to define it. For there to be joy, ecstasy, pleasure, there must of necessity be sorrow, agony, pain respectively.
So, opening up and uncovering the existence of the energy body and it's channels, is no picnic. It's well worth it, but it isn't all the smell of roses. You have to start somewhere. And then it opens, like a flower opens. It may open slow, not at all in this life, or with profound and immediate intensity. Mine was the latter. And at the time I had never heard of any of this energy stuff we talk about here amongst ourselves. Nor had I ever heard of kundalini, nor would I have believed it was more than superstitious garbage of the new age variety. But then it happened, now going on nine years ago.
So don't expect smooth sailing. It's rocky. But be brave if you are fortunate to experience it. It is wonderful. It is a chemical reaction and a re-ordering of your cellular structure for sure.
But if you open through Anahata as I did as a result of self enquiry whilst on Buddhist retreat, don't panic too much. It's not a heart attack, but your heart may be going 150 with palpitations if you are like me.
That lasted an hour or two and recurred again a few days later, and even a third time. By then I knew the ropes. Be brave. It will be well worth it. From my reading it appears that Anahata is the knot that must loosen first. I find accounts of others with more blissful openings doubtful. I wonder, have they really truly opened as Krisnamurti, and I have or are they imagining things.
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Posted - Jan 20 2009 :  9:30:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit mikkiji's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Neptune
I find accounts of others with more blissful openings doubtful. I wonder, have they really truly opened as Krisnamurti, and I have or are they imagining things.
I did not imagine it. I do believe that there were some specific preparatory stages for me which made my awakening less traumatic than some. Perhaps my more advanced age (I was 52 at the time), my years of spiritual practices (I'd been meditating and doing several other more advanced yogic practices for 34 years at the time), the bahkti which I gained during my 30+ years of devotional love for my wife and perhaps most importantly, my two Near Death Experiences, one in 1966 at the age of 13, when I went into a 3-day coma, and the second in 1999 during a major heart attack. Death makes life transparent and thus brings the spirit or soul clearly into the center of our existence. I was probably more lucky than anything else, but, although it was dramatic enough, it was not traumatic at all, a subtle but important distinction. BTW--my full narrative, with further writings, can be found on my blog: http://mikkiji.wordpress.com The longer version of it is on the page entitled, "How I Got Here–My Path So Far…", which can be reached with the link on the right hand side of the page.
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Posted - Jan 21 2009 :  2:38:42 PM  Show Profile  Visit arzkiyahai's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
great journey Michael.

Edited by - arzkiyahai on Jan 21 2009 2:39:22 PM
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Posted - Jan 22 2009 :  8:53:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit Neptune's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Michael,
I appreciate your posts above, and read your story by going through the link to your blog. Due to love and devotion, you suffered a great loss when your wife was ill and died. Does this not illustrate my point exactly? Your opening was not just all sweetness and joy, not really. Look what occurred that precipitated it.

Consciousness has a mirrorlike quality.

Your experience of grief mirrored back to you a reflection of love, and you experienced your love fully along with its opposite,grief. Due to the polarity of suffering and loss, Anahata opened for you.
It was not so much the years of meditation that was a preparation for your opening-(though that was a factor), as much as it was the love/grief that you experienced.

Actually, kundalini awakenings are often the result of tremendous personal grief and loss for us human beings. A catalyst of some tragic loss may turn into a blessing and benediction of grace.

I think your experience, rather than showing how smooth an opening can be, actually is a good example of how the bliss and light are accompanied by suffering of some sort whether emotional or physical.

One question for you: From reading your blog, you say your kundalini has withdrawn from awareness again, since all the original opening occurred around the time of your wife's illness and death. Is that still the case at present, or has your kundalini experiences continued to this day as floridly as before?

Edited by - Neptune on Jan 23 2009 05:24:56 AM
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Posted - Jan 23 2009 :  06:45:38 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Yogaislife,

But because I had all these dramatic disruptive experiences I wonder if that was kundalini and it is already awakened. I am scared it is not all yet and honestly I am scared of the jolt-like experiences people describe (like Michael above) because I am afraid of being disrupted again as I seemed to be very sensitive to energies inside me. My strategy has been to concentrate only on deep meditation as it is clear to me that it cultivates inner silence and that unshakable center in me, something I lacked strongly and I am happy to have found something that works! Honestly! I feel it saved my life!

In short: how do I prepare to such a shock of a kundalini awakening? Is it possible that because of my past history I might have already at least partly awakened the kundalini although I seldom saw any lights or had out of this world transcendental experiences?

Kundalini awakening can be fast and dramatic, with a lot of symptoms accompanying it, or slow and much more imperceptible. The end result is the same... living in a continuous state of ecstasy. It can take many years between the first symptoms of an awakening and the body becoming continuously ecstatic.

Just because an awakening is dramatic and sudden does not mean that it needs to be painful or difficult. If enough purification has been done before (and during) the awakening process, then there will be little physical discomfort. My own awakening was of the more dramatic kind, with a fountain of energy flowing out of the crown chakra rising up from the pelvic area. It was very sudden and powerful, but I have not experienced any serious discomfort as a result.

So my advice to you would be to add structured pranayama to your practice, especially spinal breathing pranayama as outlined in the main lessons. SBP will help to purify your body and prepare it for any sudden increases in energy levels.

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Posted - Jan 23 2009 :  07:06:54 AM  Show Profile  Visit YogaIsLife's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks a lot Christi.

Kundalini awakening can be fast and dramatic, with a lot of symptoms accompanying it, or slow and much more imperceptible. The end result is the same... living in a continuous state of ecstasy. It can take many years between the first symptoms of an awakening and the body becoming continuously ecstatic.

Mine could be the latter kind, but not sure. I certainly had, along the years, kundalini-like symptoms.

So my advice to you would be to add structured pranayama to your practice, especially spinal breathing pranayama as outlined in the main lessons. SBP will help to purify your body and prepare it for any sudden increases in energy levels.

I know this, but everytime I try it it si too strong for me. I did it for the last 2 days and felt immense openings inside just from 2 minutes. I feel ecstasies, etc. I feel obstructions coming loose inside. Unfortunately it is too strong so I take it step-by-step. My comfort limit is 10min of deep meditation. I went back to that again and in a couple of weeks I'll do 1 or 2 days of pranayama again and so forth. It is getting better but it is slow, I am aware of my limits. In DM alone I get huge energy movements inside (I feel like it is as if these energies restructuring/cleasing all my energy field), so I know purification is happening. Thanks again, I'll keep posting about progress.
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219 Posts

Posted - Jan 23 2009 :  12:35:13 PM  Show Profile  Visit mikkiji's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Neptune
Does this not illustrate my point exactly? Your opening was not just all sweetness and joy, not really. Look what occurred that precipitated it.

Thank you for joining me on my Journey, at least through your reading about it. Actually, I think you misconstrue some of my timeline. Yes--there was indeed suffering involved. But at the time of my awakening, I was NOT suffering at all. I was in fact calm, peaceful and accepting of whatever might come from those times of trial and challenge. Rather than the suffering leading to or being a catalyst for it, I believe it was my acceptance of suffering and the transcending of it which was the immediate trigger.
Consciousness has a mirrorlike quality. Your experience of grief mirrored back to you a reflection of love, and you experienced your love fully along with its opposite, grief. It was not so much the years of meditation that was a preparation for your opening (though that was a factor), as much as it was the love/grief that you experienced.

Love is not the opposite of grief. The opposite of grief is Joy. The Love between my wife and myself was nothing more or less than our path to God. Love showed us God (just as seeking God showed us Love). Grief showed me its corollary, Sorrow, and it's opposite, Joy.
I think your experience, rather than showing how smooth an opening can be, actually is a good example of how the bliss and light are accompanied by suffering of some sort whether emotional or physical.

What I thought we were talking about here was the awakening experience itself, not the internal emotional or mental setting in which it occurs. My actual awakening--the rising of the energy and the changes in consciousness brought about by it--was, although confusing and dramatic at times, quite smooth. There was no sense of difficulty or any sort of physical or emotional suffering.
One question for you: From reading your blog, you say your kundalini has withdrawn from awareness again, since all the original opening occurred around the time of your wife's illness and death. Is that still the case at present, or has your kundalini experiences continued to this day as floridly as before?

Certain of the changes which occurred never went away, but then again, as it turned out, I think many of the alterations in awareness and perception had been developing gradually over the months and years preceding the more dramatic eruption of energy. What I've been discovering in the years since then is that Samadhi is not a place we arrive at, but rather yet another door we pass through, with an entirely new path lying beyond. The "florid" aspect of it has entirely for the most part disappeared. Maybe that only tells us how flexible our awareness is--we can become accustomed to anything! But on occasion--especially during tantric sessions--certain 'bright lights' seem to come on and recall the "ZAP!" of the initial awakening. The feeling that my "Self" is larger than my physical body has continued and developed further, as have some refinements in my perceptions and sleep patterns. My intuition, compassion and empathy have expanded greatly, as has my sense of "correctness" in my life and in Creation in general. Maybe I can best summarize the lasting changes as: "Life is Natural", or maybe just, "Life IS..."
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Posted - Jan 23 2009 :  2:47:55 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hello everyone, my awakening was very similar to that of Christy and it actually was very blissful and filled with beautiful scenery and you could feel the mystic when the experience was under going.

but before i ever even knew about kundalini i was experiencing it's symptoms, the most common were sudden jolts of energy and a piercing pain behind the muladhara chakra where i personally think kundalini is resting.

after i started to practice meditation 5 to 6 years back those jolts increased as well as did my appetite and the same things happened with a close friend of mine who is on a different path now.

but last year my crown chakra openened prematurely and it's then where i think the big bang happened it was simply amazing and beautiful at first but later on in a week or so i started to experience a lot of undesireable symptoms like the burning of the skin of the head and the overwhelming and intoxicating flow of the energy upwards from the head which was very tiring and uncomfortable and too much toxicating...

i actually looked for advice everywehre but didn't recieve any good ones until i got here to ayp and got the medecine from Richard and Yogani.

but thank god now, bcz after ayp the trip has been very beautiful and filled with mystic and ecstacy.

light and love,

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Posted - Jan 24 2009 :  07:24:34 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Yogaislife,

I know this, but everytime I try it it si too strong for me. I did it for the last 2 days and felt immense openings inside just from 2 minutes. I feel ecstasies, etc. I feel obstructions coming loose inside. Unfortunately it is too strong so I take it step-by-step. My comfort limit is 10min of deep meditation. I went back to that again and in a couple of weeks I'll do 1 or 2 days of pranayama again and so forth. It is getting better but it is slow, I am aware of my limits. In DM alone I get huge energy movements inside (I feel like it is as if these energies restructuring/cleasing all my energy field), so I know purification is happening. Thanks again, I'll keep posting about progress.

It sounds like your awakening is of the slow and gentle variety. Even these can get intense, and it sounds like that is what is happening for you now.

Don't forget that 1 or 2 minutes is not the minimum that you can cut down to with spinal breathing. Some people in this forum have had times when they cut down to just 2 or 3 breaths with each sitting for long periods of time.

It is kundalini that is shaking everything up inside you. Spinal breathing pranayama keeps everything moving between the root and the ajna chakra, which will keep everything stable. What you want to avoid, is what Anada described above, kundalini taking the root to crown path too early with all the discomfort that goes along with it.

If you are feeling nervous about everything going on inside, then you could cut back further with meditation times until it all feels more stable.

I am sure you know all this already, but it can be good to be reminded when it is actually happening. Do keep us posted on your progress.

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Posted - Jan 24 2009 :  07:42:14 AM  Show Profile  Visit YogaIsLife's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you so much Christi. I will keep you posted.

It is indeed a delicate balance in regard to practices and times. Yes, I have been there where even just 1 or 2 breaths of SBP was enough to stir everything inside, and felt too much. I am better now, I feel, but it is still a very slow process, and I don't mind, as long as it remains stable and smooth.

Yes, it definitely it is energy moving inside and rearranging things. I feel it everytime in meditation even, but it is not unconfortable, on the contrary, it now feels as if it is "doing its thing" as it should, without much excess. I had excesses before starting yoga, as I did not understand what was going on and was repressing or trying to control the whole thing. I usually oscilate or from back to front, or around or from left to right during meditation now. There is also a kind of pumping, and I notice, for example, that is busy a lot of the time opening the neck area and head. It is spontaneous, not anything I do on purpose. But this oscillating and energy currents inside have been somehow smoother (or maybe better channeled) than before. Still, it is working. Yes, it also seems to me to be kundalini, that is why I started this thread, because I feel all this things for years now but have not had those sudden awakenings (and lights) commonly reported. I am also afraid of sex now. I recently started a new relationship and I know it is a very loving relationship and she is very understanding, but sometimes I am afraid of sexual relations as I feel it stirs a lot inside and feels somehow disruptive, and it is hard to explain this to the other person, as she might feel I don't love her and it is not that at all. Oh well, no real answers there, I believe in this relationship so it is just a matter of working through it.

I also had for years stabbing (more needle-like) pains in my crown, specially on one, the right, side. I feel it is also getting better there but it is clearly related to instabilities. When I feel more unstable the pains becomes active. DM seems to be working fine for now so I'll keep at it. It is indeed a purification process, and according to Yogani it works between third eye and root so I trust it as safe.

Regarding DM time, I think I found my balance - 10min is usual the ideal time for me. Whenever I over do (with SBP for example) I go back to only 10min DM and everything seems to fall back into place. It is good to know this!

Thanks again Christi for the help. I will keep you posted.

Edited by - YogaIsLife on Jan 24 2009 09:36:13 AM
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