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 Reiki Tummo - A Path to the Heart
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Posted - Apr 20 2007 :  11:03:08 AM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
The following is an article written by Irmansyah Effendi, the founder of Reiki Tummo. Following the article are links to several web sites with additional information about Reiki Tummo and the newest offering of 'Open Heart Workshops' which are a wonderful complement to any spiritual path. There is also a link to a short open-heart movie which many have enjoyed. Please feel free to contact me regarding additional questions or information.

Blessings, Love and Light,

Reiki TUMMO®: A Path to the Heart
Irmansyah Effendi

All truth is in your heart, not in the physical heart, but in the core within yourself where your true self resides. To access that truth you must open your heart and Reiki TUMMO® can help you do just that. Reiki TUMMO is not a tradition founded on Usui Reiki. It is a technique that developed independently and goes beyond healing to assist you in your spiritual growth.

Spiritual progress in Reiki TUMMO is based on learning to use your heart more in your daily life and opening your heart for true insight and understanding. When you learn Reiki TUMMO, you are introduced to energy channeling for healing, but also as a tool to lead you into your heart so you can learn directly from your heart, rather than from others.

With Reiki TUMMO attunements, your main chakras open and the main energy channel within your spine, the sushumna, opens from the top of your head to your tailbone. The sushumna is crucial for your health as all of your vital organs are connected to your spine. When this channel opens, energy flows freely. Negative energy is released easily and clean energy can flow in effortlessly. The opening of your sushumna, together with your ability to channel energy, improves your physical, mental and emotional health significantly.

These benefits are simply the beginning. In Reiki TUMMO Level 2, your Kundalini is awakened. The Kundalini, a natural power within all human beings, is sought by those who are serious about their spiritual growth. Kundalini is the special energy that helps you to thoroughly cleanse your energy body continuously, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the Kundalini is hard to awaken. Spiritual seekers can spend years of practice to have their Kundalini awakened and, even with special practices, they still have to take specific precautions so the strong energy of the Kundalini doesn't create problems. In Reiki TUMMO, your Kundalini is awakened instantly and safely. Once it is awakened, your Kundalini will help you with the cleansing process and you can expect to have better health, feel happier and enjoy rapid spiritual growth.

A core practice of Reiki TUMMO allows the practitioner to let divine energy flow into the heart continuously, cleansing, purifying and opening the heart. Divine energy is the most important factor in helping you to be within your heart, rather than simply observing or focusing on your heart. By being in your heart, you experience divine light filling your heart with infinite joy and peace. You experience bliss. As you are also connected to the earth's core energy, you experience the bliss while still living in daily and routine situations. So, you enjoy all the beauty of living in your heart while going about your regular activities and living a typical life.

The good news does not stop here! We all know that the heart is the key to the real truth for all truth is within our hearts. The only question is how to access the truth when the brain dominates our lives and blocks any connection to the heart. This is what Reiki TUMMO is actually about. Reiki TUMMO prepares you for an advanced technique that allows you to go into your heart and find the truth within. Only with access to the real truth within your heart can you grow spiritually.

In Reiki TUMMO, you connect with your heart, with divine energy and with the earth's core energy. As you connect to your heart, you feel the peace and the stillness that is always there. Your connection to divine energy is an essential element in spiritual development because divine energy is the most effective energy for cleansing and opening the heart. As you get better connected to your heart, your heart will become stronger. Since the heart is the center of love and compassion, you will feel more peaceful, relaxed and happier in your daily life. A stronger heart and a better connection to the divine energy will also elevate your awareness. When you encounter a situation that would normally trigger negative emotions, you will simply smile instead of being angry or upset. It is wonderful to have a heightened level of awareness for you can live your life with love and compassion rather than negative emotions. A stronger heart and a better connection to the divine energy are mandatory in preparing you for further spiritual study.

Once you are ready to let your inner heart guide you all the time, you are prepared for more advanced studies. You will attain your soul consciousness and then your true self consciousness easily. This does not mean that you simply connect or communicate with your true self. Instead you are fully conscious as your true self within. At this point, the true meaning of life and the real goal of life will be so clear that you will perceive life as a joyful journey to return Home.

Irmansyah Effendi is the founder of the Reiki TUMMO system of healing and spiritual growth and author of over 10 books on healing, meditation and spirituality.


Edited by - Steve on Apr 23 2007 7:16:33 PM


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Posted - Jul 07 2007 :  1:24:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Comparing traditional Yogic Kundalini Awakening and Reiki Tummo ...

Dear Friends,

I am posting an article written by my friend Ed Rubenstein, an author, practicing psychologist and senior Reiki Tummo alumnus that discusses some of the differences between practices for kundalini awakening found in traditional yoga(s) and Reiki Tummo. Prior to practicing the teachings of Padmacahaya that begins with Reiki Tummo, Ed was a sincere yoga practitioner for many years, followed by many years of practicing Taoist Yoga including its higher internal alchemy meditation practices taught by Michael Winn and Mantak Chia. Ed is not familiar with the AYP program or the method of AYP deep meditation. However, his discussion on the mechanism of kundalini awakening in traditional yoga(s) vs the method utilized in Reiki Tummo which relies on the direct Love and Blessings of Divine Source is informative and may be of interest to some visiting this forum.

Love and Blessings ,


From: "Ed Rubenstein"
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 14:03:44 -0500
Subject: Comparing Yogic Kundalini and Reiki Tummo

I would like to share my understanding about kundalini since I have experience of kundalini from both the perspective of the ancient traditional Yogic approach and Reiki Tummo. I practiced kundalini from an ancient yogic approach for over 15 years, and that included 3 years in Nepal and India.

Awakening of kundalini by Yogic Guru or representative of the Guru is referred to as shaktipat or initiation. A typical way this occurs is through the repetition of a siddha mantra while focusing on a particular chakra. This activates kundalini, breaks the knot it the base chakra and can open the ida channel. The teachings explain this as the most blessed gift and the start of the real journey of life because Kundalini begins its spiritual journey home. The problem is that even the great Yogic Spiritual Masters who disciples view as fully self-realized beings or deities in human form do not claim to be able to open up the other chakra knots that block kundalini from being able to flow up the core channel (sushumna). The Yogic Spiritual Masters say that the widening of the sushumna and opening of the chakra knots can not instantly occur because tremendous amounts of samskara (karma) would be released and a disciple could not survive the personal trauma and turmoil that would occur from the ripening of the karma. So in addition to using a siddha mantra to meditate and arouse kundalini, there are other yogic practices that are taught. For example, there is pranayam breathing to purify the ida and pingla energy channels, asana postures for developing glands, meditation on the chakras using the acoustic sound of that particular chakra along with the color and shape relevant to that chakra, fasting, pure vegetarian diet, and other spiritual practices. The goal of these practices is to purify the seven energetic body layers referred to as the Kosas, open energy channels and the chakra knots, and widen the sushumna so that kundalini can complete its journey. I spent many months in the Himalayas engaging in these practices for seven hours a day. I was able to experience the space between my thoughts and the space between my breaths, which is traditionally considered to be an important passage, but my sushumna and all of my chakra knots did not open. I had kundalini energetic sensations, though after many years of practice I concluded that my efforts had long ago stagnated and I did not experience any new significant spiritual progress. As I observed friends and yogic monks and nuns from different yogic traditions, who engaged in extensive yogic kundalini practices for many years, I felt that they were not making the big spiritual breakthroughs that I once believed would occur if we just meditated long enough or more diligently. My dream of kundalini reaching the crown chakra and achieving the highest Samadhi states was broken and I became disillusioned with the ancient system of Yoga.

From my experience, the traditional ancient yogic path has limitations that are often not understood by spiritual seekers when they are beginning the yogic path. I share these not to be disrespectful to the honored ancient traditions, but to help spiritual seekers realize that there is a difference between the old school yogic approach and Reiki Tummo which is available to us in the present and supporting us to fulfill our ultimate spiritual destiny. This is available to us now due to the shifts in existence that have occurred since the year 2000.

Below are the limitations of the ancient yogic path that I have come to understand.

1: Students frequently become top heavy, like a tree that grows wide on the top but does not have a root system to support its top growth. Asana postures are used as the main spiritual practice to accomplish grounding. The problem is that during the initiation or shaktipat with the Yogic teacher, the sushumna channel is not opened to the core of the earth. Proper rooted grounding is not achieved, and it is common that students may become spacey, ungrounded, or develops health problems because they are not properly connected to earth energy.

2: The initiation or shaktipat does not open all of the chakra knots, thecore channel (sushumna) is not opened and the chakras are not opened. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of practice with the best Yogic techniques, even those not found in books and only passed down from teacher to student, does not result in the opening of chakra knots and widening of the sushumna. The opening and widening of the sushumna represents exhausting lifetimes of negative Karma. This is viewed as very difficult to achieve or to live through, since ones life would fall apart due to the excessive negative karma that ripened.

3: Ancient Yogic Systems are mostly based on worship of a Guru or worship of a lineage, which is supposed to represent the highest embodiment of God. Surrender or worship to the Guru as the embodiment of the Divine, is the vehicle to take the spiritual seeker from illusion to Yoga. The Guru is set up to be the divine bridge. The problem with this approach is that it creates a boundary between our Spirit and our direct connection to the True Source which can only take place in the core of our Heart. A picture of the spiritual master is frequently placed on the puja (alter) table. Devotional offerings are directed to the Guru or the lineage which are viewed as the sacred representative that was responsible for awakening the seekers kundalini. Through the Guru or lineage worship approach, transcendent experiences can occur such as meeting of the Guru or other teachers on the subtle dimensional realms. The student can hold onto these experiences as if they are major divine occurrences. The problem is that this can become a limitation, because the goal of Yoga has nothing to do with the experience of visiting the learning dimensions. The true goal of Yoga, no matter what tradition in which it is being practiced, is nothing less than complete union with the Creator. When we offer our devotional energy to any being in human form or to a being on a higher dimension, we limit ourselves and our spiritual potential. Any time we seek to open our heart to anything other than to the direct connection of the Love of the True Source, we have become misaligned with the ultimate goal of existence. The Guru and disciple relationship is not beyond the law of karma. Only the Love of the True Source which is beyond the law of karma, can take us Home to Yoga.

4: In order to grow spiritually, the basic premise is that sexual energy needs to be transmuted and sublimated to spiritual essence which is referred to as “ojas”. Spiritual energy is supposed to rise and stimulate the pineal gland. Fasting, asanas, vegetarian diet, and spiritual practices are utilized to keep the lower three chakras from becoming stimulated and emphasis is on vibrating the higher chakras. Stagnant force, known as “Tamaguna” is said to dominate the lower chakras and keeps one in “animality”. One is supposed to stay connected to the upper chakras which are dominated by the sentient force of “Sattwaguna”. This is viewed as the path to become divine. This yogic approach can create conflicts, and splits within oneself. If a male ejaculates or has a wet dream, there is often guilt that he will not be able to achieve great spiritual heights and concerns develop that kundalini advancement will be limited. Monks often become frustrated because they have taken vows of celibacy, yet sublimating sexual energy can be a most difficult challenge. From the traditional yogic approach, dealing and managing sexual energy can become a very big issue that can consume a lot of mental energy, and lead to much confusion and agitation, not only with monks, but with householders who seek spiritual realization.

5: A common theme in the traditional yogic approach is that struggle is the essence of life. Progress is achieved by learning to calm the monkey mind that likes to jump from thought to thought. The more diligent one becomes in there meditation practice, it is understood that they have to be prepared to deal with a faster ripening of there samskara (karma). So if you go deeper into your meditation, and ripening of karma brings many difficulties to your life, then it is believed that this is a great sign of progress because karmic load is lessening. The problem is that we have accumulated thousands of lifetimes of karma, and the small lessening of the load is minute compared to the huge storehouse of karma that we have. In one lifetime, you can not meditate enough hours to exhaust all of ones karma. Sometimes it is believed that the Guru will take on the karma of the disciples and when the Guru gets ill, it is thought to be the result of karma absorbed from the disciples. Yet the Guru is not able to take on the karma that is involved in the widening of the sushumna and opening of the chakra knots of his disciples. The yogic system is designed to do that over a long period of practice and sacrifice, however from my experience and observation of others, I did not see that happen. In Reiki Tummo, because allegiance is not to a Guru or lineage, all chakra knots are opened and the sushumna is opened in an instant, due to the Love of the True Source which is the Grace that is beyond the law of karma.

6: The ancient Yogic approach to kundalini does not work directly with the Heart. There is a difference between using the heart chakra as a focal point, and going into the inner layers of the Heart to experience the core of ones True Self. From the traditional yogic approach, the Inner Heart, which is the spark of the True Source in the core of our Heart, is not utilized to make moment to moment choices. Yogic students are not attuned by their traditions to access the loving wisdom of their Inner Hearts. When the experience of the Heart is not the center of what we do and who we are, then we make brain dominant choices which are ego based. Maya or illusion, and more karma are created by our actions when life is not lived from our Heart. From my experience, many believe they are following their Heart, but in actuality, they are in their head thinking that they are following their Hearts.

7: From the perspective of the traditional yogic approach, Yoga is achieved through the union of “Shiva” and “Shakti” when kundalini flows to the crown chakra. This is supposed to represent the completion of ones spiritual journey. In kundalini traditions this is often referred to as Mahasamadhi or Nirvakalpa Samadhi. In Reiki Tummo, many have come to understand that when kundalini reaches the crown chakra, it is only a step of the real journey Home to Yoga.

8: The traditional Yogic path is often referred to as the “Path of Perfection”. The student is supposed to be a spiritual warrior that is willing to face all challenges and undergo whatever he needs to do so that he or she can achieve the perfection of the seven body layers, and purify themselves to a degree in which they can achieve spiritual realization. The problem is, “who is the one that is seeking perfection”. The “I” that is seeking perfection can be seeking perfection for less than perfect motives. The “I” is often linked to ego, and the student is using the effort of the ego to attempt to achieve spiritual union that is beyond the ego. Surrender is talked about but not necessarily understood because the Heart is not the core emphasis of the yogic kundalini approach. What needs to be surrendered is being used as the main vehicle to achieve spiritual realization. It’s like a fish swimming around and trying to get out of the water and no matter how much it swims, it is still in the water. The result is that the boundary of “I” and “Thou” is not able to dissolve and the enhancement of spiritual growth is limited. Our human effort is not enough to reach Yoga, yet in the traditional yogic approach it is the discipline of our human effort that is being used as the main tool to reach self-realization.

In due respect to those who may still be practicing ancient yogic systems, I am suggesting that the traditional yogic path that has been practiced for thousands of years, is an outdated paradigm and a limited approach compared to what the path of Reiki Tummo has to offer. Years ago the traditional yogic view of kundalini, was all that we knew. Now we have a new approach that is available but in order to appreciate the most profound spiritual gift that the path of the Heart provides, we have to be willing to let go of concepts we have read in books about kundalini and yoga. We have to let go of ideas that may have been told to us by teachers of traditional yogic systems because they are invested in their paradigm and may not realize the limitations of their approach. When we follow an old paradigm as if it is the ultimate reality, then we are closed to what the gift of a new paradigm has to offer us.

In my experience, Reiki Tummo offers us a spiritual gift that has never been available to us before. The potential for greater spiritual progress than we have achieved in thousands of lifetimes, can be realistically experienced in short period of time.

Alumni of Reiki Tummo do not become top heavy because during the Level 1 attunement the core channel is connected to the core of the earth, and they become better nourished by the earth’s energy. Feeling well rooted and grounded is the result. Health and overall energy levels improve. As one gets further attunements and goes on to participate in Master Yoga, all of the chakras blossom like a lotus. Our energetic system becomes more spiritually open, balanced and healthy. Even while enjoying deep spiritual experiences, we can function in the world and interact more smoothly and efficiently with whatever challenges are before us. During Level 2, kundalini is safely awakened, the sushumna is widened, and during Level 3 the sushumna is further widened and all seven chakras are opened. In Master Yoga, our chakras blossom like lotuses, the sushumna continues to widen, and kundalini reaches new spiritual heights. The question is often asked, “How can this be achieved since the opening of sushumna and chakra knots represents the clearing of lifetimes of Karma?” The reason is that a Guru or energy from a particular spiritual lineage is not the source of the Attunement. Master Irman explains that the Love of the True Source is beyond the Law of Karma, and the attunements are allowing and relying on the Love of the True Source to dissolve karmic blockages without alumni having to receive the karmic reactions from our past actions. To fully realize what this means, we can never be the same again. For so very, very long, we have been wondering through the karmic bondages of time, digging more and more holes, and falling into those holes over and over again. We have drastically failed to realize how far away we have gotten from our original Home. We have failed to realize the depth of our pain and suffering from our separation to our Beloved True Source. We have not known how to get out of the karmic bondages that have kept us enslaved through time. Our karmic debt is huge…and our actions and lack of realization has trapped us into a karmic prison. The rock walls of our karmic prison are so thick and yet we have continued to think we can break through by our human effort. It’s like we are trying to escape the prison by scratching at the rock walls with our finger nails ….and we have been doing this for so long. We have relied on our false selves rather than relying on the Love of the True Source. We have lived with false beliefs, false dreams, false hopes and false priorities. Existence has now shifted. I realize that the time is here for all of us to receive the wake up call…calling us to come Home. It is not hard or difficult, because it is not our effort that will take us Home. The call that we have been waiting for, for millions of years, has come. The Love of the True Source is calling us back to where we belong. We just have to embrace the Love and follow. We don’t have to be separate or alone anymore. The Love wants to break through the Karmic wall of our prison, and cleanse us like a mother cleanses her child.

In Reiki Tummo there is no worship to a Guru or a lineage. The basic premise is that nothing should ever come between the direct connection of the core of your Heart and the True Source. It is understood that worship to any being, deity, or ascended master, is detrimental to our spiritual progress. We have no interest in playing or ascending through the learning dimensions. We realize that only by completely opening ones Heart and following the Love and Light of the True Source, can one achieve Yoga. Only the Love and Light of the True Source can take us Home. This is the direct path that we have been all been waiting, for so very long.

Sexuality is not an issue like it often becomes in the traditional yogic approach. The reason is that we are not seeking to obtain bliss through the sublimation of sexual energy. Our bliss is experienced by our enjoyment of going deeper into our Heart and dissolving into the Light and Love of the Divine Source. The rising of kundalini is not related to our sublimation of sexual energy. As we open our Hearts and allow the Light and Love to take us deeper and deeper into the Love, kundalini effortlessly rises without any negative effects. In fact, kundalini energy helps to clear blockages in our energy bodies. Sexuality is free to be an expression of love with our spouse without confusion or guilt that it will interfere with our spiritual growth.

In Reiki Tummo, dealing with the ripening of negative karma is not an issue. Joy is the essence of life because we live in our Heart, and our Heart is the key and the door to the deepest fulfillment that can ever be realized and experienced. As we progress, our life gets easier, even though our karmic load is being lessened and we feel lighter and more joyful. The reason is that we allow the Love of the True Source to work on us completely, and the Love wants to bring us Home. The Love of the True Source does not want us to suffer. It is only because the Love is beyond the law of karma that we can progress so swiftly without any detrimental karmic effects. We embrace the Love and the Love of the True Source dissolves our negativities because the Love wants to bring us closer and closer Home to our ultimate destiny. As we become better and better instruments, the Love wants to radiate in all directions to every being in all of existence. The deeper we embrace and dissolve in the Love, kundalini rises in celebration of our deepening union. It all just keeps getting better and better….more wonderful and more joyful.

The path of Reiki Tummo is the path of the Heart. The Attunements and Master Yoga program allow us to effortlessly follow the Love and Light into the innermost layers of our Heart, where we experience spiritual union and become instruments while dissolving into the Love and Light of the True Source. We learn to live Heart Centered lives, and make loving wise choices under the guidance of our Inner Heart. This allows us to function in the world without accumulating additional karma and becoming Instruments of the True Source, the way that True Source wants us to be. Without a Heart Centered life, brain dominance prevails and creates a tainted reality and personal illusions. The journey Home does not end when kundalini reaches the crown chakra. Kundalini has to also pass through all of the learning dimensions and it is crucial that we come to realize and experience the differences between Soul and Spirit. Spiritual growth is growing the Love and Light in our Spirit. As our Spirit grows, kundalini happily ascends beyond the crown chakra.

Reiki Tummo is very different than the Yogic path of perfection. Master Irman says “The best of us will never be good enough”. For me, this statement is so deep, and gives me such joy and great relief. I used to think it was my responsibility to find my way Home to the Ultimate Spiritual Destiny. I thought I have to seek more, and do more, to achieve greater spiritual growth. I felt a pressure and a responsibility that I have to be the one to achieve and obtain perfection. Yet, where did I get with all of my efforts, not only from this lifetime, but from all my lifetimes? Where did I get from the thousands of hours of time I invested in meditation practices? In Reiki Tummo, we don’t attempt to be perfect. We just enjoy our Heart by enjoying the Love of the True Source. We allow the Love to be our guide. We do not have to rely on our own efforts and achievements, because we realize that all efforts results from our brain identification. Our Atma (Spirit) is in the Core of our Heart, and the most direct path to Yoga, is to follow and embrace the Love. We effortlessly enjoy and allow the Love to bring us closer and closer Home. It is a step by step approach beginning with the attunements in Reiki Tummo 1 and up into the Master Yoga program, that allows this spiritual evolution to occur naturally and easily. I feel that what our souls and spirits have dreamed of for so very long is right here before us. Some Reiki Tummo alumni may not fully appreciate the gift they have been given because they have read stories about Yogis in the Himalayas, or about the siddhis or yogic occult powers that can be obtained. Yogic powers have nothing to do with the True Realization of the Heart. For those who may have an allegiance to a Yogic path, I respect your dedication and commitment. My intention is to offer an understanding that a new spiritual approach for obtaining Yoga is now accessible to us, in a way that has never been available to us before. I feel that any ideas or practices that say we can get Home and achieve Yoga other than by following the Love and Light of the True Source, need to be re-examined. It does not make sense to follow something for so very long, thinking it can give you a specific result, when in reality, it does not lead you to where you think you are going. I hope that my sharing will help spiritual seekers to appreciate what Reiki Tummo offers us. The key and the greatest gift that we have all been looking for, is the key and door of our own Heart.

Ed Rubenstein
November 10, 2005

Edited by - Steve on Jul 10 2007 7:30:18 PM
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Posted - Jul 07 2007 :  2:05:12 PM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Synopsis of Padmacahaya Yoga Curriculum ...

A short summary of the Padmacahaya Yoga Curriculum follows.

There are four categories of workshops:

A. Basic/Preparation Level:
Reiki Tummo 1, Reiki Tummo 2, Reiki Tummo 3A, Meditation, Kundalini

B. Transition Level:
Inner Heart, Spiritual Retreat

C. Intermediate Level:
Method of Consciousness Shifting (soul), True Self Retreat (atman)

D. Advanced Level
Master Yoga Program (MY Level 1, MY Level 2, MY Level 3)

Padmacahaya also has a new Open Heart Workshop (OHW) path line that has six levels of OHW workshops and offers individuals not interested in Reiki Tummo an alternative way to enter into the higher levels of the Padmacahaya Yoga curriculum. One would complete the six Open Heart Workshop levels then have the opportunity to join in with others at the Transition Level noted above. In terms of workshop materials, the 6 levels of the Open Heart workshops are comparable with Basic/Preparation Level with the addition of Inner Heart material. So, in total, all the Open Heart workshop materials (Levels 1 thru 6) will cover in simpler form all the materials of Reiki Tummo 1, 2, 3A, Meditation, Kundalini and the Inner Heart. In terms of heart exercises, the Open Heart workshop materials are much deeper than the basic preparation offered through Reiki Tummo alone.

Love and Blessings,

Edited by - Steve on Jul 07 2007 2:09:16 PM
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Posted - Oct 30 2007 :  10:42:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Everyone,

I am copying a post I made on the www.thetaobums.com website in response to some thetaobums posts and inquiries made on Reiki Tummo. I sign my name as Stevejon as Steve was already taken by an existing forum member. I have xxx'd and yyy'd out the names of the other thetaobums questioners as I did not ask their permission to use their names in this post.

Blessings, Love and Light,


I would be glad to discuss more of my experience with you both. It is best to respond to specific questions.

To address a couple of points, comments and questions you had ...

YYYYY, it was-is not my intention to permanently erase my initial posts. Last night, I was updating them to be more complete from my computer at home. Unfortunately, that computer is on its last legs, running Windows Me with a somewhat corrupted registry. Sometimes, after its used for awhile its memory fills up and freezes. That's what happend last night. I had not saved it and I did not have time to recreate it so I simply logged back on and put in a few words as a placeholder until I had more time to complete it. My time is currently very limited working my regular job 10 hours/day followed by getting off work and fixing windows in critical need of repair before the next rain hits. So, please excuse ... will continue to reply as time allows.

YYYYY, you are right, the 30+ years of practice prior to Reiki Tummo definitely had an impact on my initial and follow on experience with Reiki Tummo. We all bring who we are to the table any time we enter into a practice or path. In my case what I came with to Reiki Tummo helped me in some ways and held me back in others. Prior to Reiki Tummo, I did have a clear experience of kundalini and other various flavors of shakti. In addition I had a regular practice of deep meditation that over the years evolved from what I had learned in the Kriya, TM-Siddhi, kundalini yoga, taoist and dzogchen traditions. My normal schedule of practice was for 2 hours in the morning before work and 2 hours in the evening with more time spent on weekends as schedule allowed. Of course, this varied with life circumstances.

It may seem to you like I am a dabbler. However, that experience and practice began in earnest in 1968 age 17 when I graduated highschool (yes, I know this is a correction I had 1972 in my earlier post that is when I graduated college and was a mistake) and was built over 34 years prior to my meeting Irmansyah in 2002. In my life I have always followed what felt true and best to my inmost Self and not necessarily what others advised even if they had a spiritual mantle and well-known name. As an engineering graduate from Cornell University, I have always approached every discipline and teaching with an open heart and and honest sense of evaluation. I am not a new-age kind of guy and I definitely learned alot of lessons the hard way through experimenting with my own nervous system, energy system and bodies. Sometimes the best lessons are learned in retrospect when you overtax yourself and learn the boundaries, limits and rules of operation of our innermost workings. For sure, that happened with me in more than one occasion. When I speak about a practice or teaching, I do so because it has or had a positive measurable impact in my own life and I want to share its benefit with others. I have no desire to sell or market Reiki Tummo. Each person should trust their own heart in making these kind of important life decisions.

What is true is whether one selects Reiki Tummo and the Padmacahaya curriculum or another path entirely ... eventually, everyone has to pass through the door of their innermost Heart, the core of their Atman. This is the direct connection each of us has to the Creator of our own True Self, Paramatman ... and is the Way to return Home (true Yoga) and to live for the real purpose of life freely and completely sharing the Love and Blessings of Divine Source with others, all beings and existence. This is not done with an individual effort but as a spark of the Creator, a part of the Love as an instument allowing Divine Source and Divine Source's most beautiful and complete Love to work through us without limiting or qualifying it in anyway. I encourage you to always follow what is real and true for your own Self ... for indeed only you and the Creator know what that is.

Kundalini Reiki and Reiki Tummo did come on the internet around the same time. Actually, Reiki Tummo then known as Tummo Reiki was first. Kundalini Reiki was originated and taught by Ole Gabrielson who studied up to Reiki Tummo Level II then put together his own system (sorry I don't know if Ole is a man or woman). However, I do have some experience here. My entry into Reiki Tummo was not by chance. I was in fact guided to first take Kundalini Reiki directly from Ole prior to beginning Reiki Tummo so that I would know the differences in the effect of the attunements. I did this in correspondence with Ole by distance attunement, all of them including the boosters. After proceeding forward with Reiki Tummo I can tell you from direct experience that there is an absolute difference in effect and experience of the two systems. The nature of the connection with the Earth, the Heart and the quality of Love that is part of the Reiki Tummo attunement is distinctly different than that received from Kundalini Reiki. The Reiki Tummo attunements are preparatory creating a foundation for a much deeper and truer connection with your own Self and Divine Source. Please know, I am not criticizing Ole for Ole was very kind to me in our correspondence... just noting my direct experience with both. From an energy and inner Self perspective, they are very different.

XXXXX, regarding why you have to pay money to progress spiritually. You do not. As YYYYY mentioned, I posted some information about Reiki Tummo on the AYP web site authored by Yogani (www.aypsite.com) which is completely free. I have the highest regard for Yogani and the AYP practices which he is clearly presenting via the internet to thousands all over the world. They include an integrated compilation of practices that come from a variety of yoga disciplines including Kriya, TM-Siddhi, Kundalini and others. If you do not want to spend any money, I encourage you to take a look at AYP (Advanced Yoga Practices) and see if you find something there to your liking.

Regarding the money for Reiki Tummo and the follow on workshops. I guess I have a different perspective. For many years, I spent most of the money I made from my jobs searching and learning as part of my spiritual quest ... books, workshops, retreats, travel, etc. For me, with Reiki Tummo and Padmacahaya the benefit of what I have received and it increased exponentially with the follow-on intermediate and more advanced levels far outweighed any monies I paid. In comparision to similar workshops and retreats I attended in other traditions, the Padmacahya costs are most reasonable especially so at the intermediate and higher levels where the retreat duration can be longer ranging from several days to a week or more. The biggest expense for me has not been the workshop or retreat cost itself but the expenses for lodging and meals. Each of us has to determine what is and is not valuable for us.

I have no doubt that any person whose desire, longing and love for Divine Source is true and sincere will be provided with everything they need. YYYYY, I am not saying anything about Reiki Tummo with this comment. Simply, that time and time again in my own life when I was in the skids with nothing, ill, by myself, seemingly out of nowhere exactly what I needed whether it be money, a teacher, a friend, a place to live, a healing was provided for me. Not always what I expected, or even wanted at the time ... but in every case what I truly needed to take the next step closer to Divine Source.

XXXXX, YYYYY I wish you the best in all ways in your own journeys. We are all in this together, kindred spirits, siblings, here to help and support each other along the way. The Love of Divine Source is available to and blesses all and is not a proprietary resource of Padmacahaya.

Blessings, Love and Light,

Edited by - Steve on Oct 30 2007 10:59:37 PM
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Posted - Oct 30 2007 :  11:14:10 PM  Show Profile  Visit yogani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Steve:

Thanks much for your generous sharing on Reiki Tummo. An interesting path and an inspiring journey!

The guru is in you.
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Posted - Oct 31 2007 :  10:52:40 AM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Yogani,

Thank you for your heart-felt service in presenting the AYP lessons, the books you have written and are writing, and making available and supporting this wonderful forum to all. It is truly helping many around the world. Many thanks and much appreciation.

Blessings, Love and Light,
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Posted - Nov 01 2007 :  5:47:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Continuing to reply to your questions and comments ...

YYYYY Comment:

i was a member of a kundalini support group some years ago, the one that was started by el collie. i think it was there that i first learned about tummo reiki as a solution to some of the negative side-effects of premature awakening. if i don't remember if folks of the site tried it or if the testimonials came solely from people who joined the forum after the fact. before i met the teacher that helped to balance me out, i had considered trying it, but was skeptical of it being like every other "Reiki PLUS" system out there.

YYYYY, I am not an authorized Reiki Tummo teacher and do not have direct experience helping others that have suffered with the effects of kundalini syndrome. The person who could provide the most meaningful information on this is Rama. Rama has worked with a number of individuals who had kundalini syndrome. As a Reiki Tummo teacher, he could best describe his experience in working with them, the effects of Reiki Tummo and hopefully put you in direct contact with the persons he actually worked with so that you could get a first-hand response. If you are interested in contacting him, please let me know and I will find his current email send it to you and let him know you will be contacting him.

YYYYY question: can you explain the "tummo" part?

When Irmansyah says tummo in Reiki Tummo, he is referring to the kundalini that rises up the sushumna in the spine and that originates from the kundalini seat in the perineum. The Padmacahaya method is NOT the Tummo meditation of the Tibetan Tummo practices that utilize the central channel in the middle of the body with the Ah symbol at the secret place below the navel and the vase breathing to stoke the fire, the melting and dripping of the drops, etc.

One note that is very important to mention is that our spiritual heart and connection to Divine Source is primary in every aspect of the Padmacahaya curriculum including the entry Reiki Tummo portion. Beginning level instruction on how to use our heart properly is provided in the RT I and II workshops.

A map of the energy flow following the Reiki Tummo Level II attunement consists of the following.

1) The divine energy enters the crown chakra and flows out through the palm chakras. There are a number of divine chakras above the crown. As one progresses with the curriculum the nature of the down-pouring energy becomes more refined (higher Shing Chi(s)). As one proceeds with the Heart work, understanding and realization, there are steps that follow beyond the Shing Chi(s) ...

2) The divine energy continues to flow down the sushumna into the perineum activating and awakening the kundalini.

3) The divine energy continues to flow down through the base chakra, sole chakras into the earth's core, blessing the earth.

4) In response, the blessed earth energy rises up flowing into the sole chakras and base chakra flowing into the kundalini center at the perineum activating and uncoiling more kundalini rolls.

5) The kundalini energy then flows up the sushumna and out the crown, mixing and blending with the divine energy above the crown.

6) The mixing-blending of the kundalini and divine energy above the crown showers down over the body in the form of golden yellow and silvery white sparks of light/energy that are absorbed by the body.

This process occurs naturally 24 hours a day after the Reiki Tummo Level II attunement and is strengthened everytime one uses the heart properly relying on Divine Source and Divine Source's blessings to channel energy to oneself or others. When channelling energy, if a chakra problem is encountered and needs healing, kundalini may also flow out of the palms to assist in healing the chakra but this is not done through conscious intent or manipulation.

This awakening provides a gentle, balanced, safe way to begin opening the nervous system, energy system and heart and to strengthen our connection to Divine Source. It helps lay the preparatory step to build a foundation for follow-on practices. Some who are not very kinesthetic, may find that their nervous systems need additional cleansing and refinement before they clearly feel the flow. Most feel something even in the beginning. For those that do not, if they are regular in the recommended practices for one or two months the majority will then feel it.

A grounding practice in Level I and RT tummo practice in Level II are taught to further strengthen and stabilize the changes to the nervous system. Each are clearly described in Irman's book. The grounding practice can be performed by anyone even without the attunement. It is recommended to only perform the tummo practice if you have received the RT Level II attunement.

Including a comment from Ed Rubenstein's article on 'Kundalini and Reiki Tummo'. The question is often asked, “How can this be achieved since the opening of sushumna and chakra knots represents the clearing of lifetimes of Karma?” The reason is that a Guru or energy from a particular spiritual lineage is not the source of the Attunement. Master Irman explains that the Love of the True Source is beyond the Law of Karma, and the attunements are allowing and relying on the Love of the True Source to dissolve karmic blockages without alumni having to receive the karmic reactions from our past actions."

YYYYY, years ago, previous to Reiki Tummo, I received shaktipat from the Siddha and Maha Kundalini traditions. For me the experience of the Reiki Tummo Level II and 3A attunements were different in the following way. The RT Level II attunement was more balanced and nourishing to my nervous system. The feeling of the blended energy arising from the interaction and mixing of the divine energy from above the crown, the earth energy and kundalini was much more soothing to my nervous system than the stand-alone form of kundalini previously received in shaktipat.

Since you are familiar with AYP you might ask about the danger of having the kundalini flow out the crown. What safety measure is provided? The spiritual heart is the key. We don't meditate or forcefully focus on the crown. In addition to kundalini flowing out the crown, the crown is also the gateway that allows the divine energy to descend into the spiritual heart. Just as the kundalini has certain properties and functions to cleanse and develop our nervous system, energy system and chakras, the best cleansing agent for the spiritual heart is not the kundalini but is the divine energy that enters from above the crown. As we progress in our practice this becomes more refined until we are able to allow the direct and complete Love of Divine Source to cleanse and work on us through the spiritual heart.

Within our spiritual heart which is not the heart chakra but is located at a deeper level inside the heart chakra resides an aspect of our spirit that Irmansyah refers to as our True Self. In yogic literature it is referred to as the atman. Irmansyah refers to the core of the True Self that resides within our spiritual heart as the Inner Heart. It is the spark of the creator, the real you and provides a direct connect between you and Divine Source. When Yogani refers to the 'guru in You', this would be the Inner Heart. The Inner Heart properly accessed and utilized can become the director of our entire being. In Padmacahaya, this process formally begins in the Inner Heart workshop. The Inner Heart knows what is best for us in all regards. The spiritual heart and more precisely, the Inner Heart ... the 'guru in You' provides the most complete level of directorship for our entire being. As we progress, we learn to better rely on Divine Source, to allow and let the Divine Blessings and Love to work in and through us, through our spiritual heart, guiding and directing the kundalini, the energy flow, the required connection with Mother Earth and all other things needed.

In later retreats and the Master Yoga portion of the curriculum designed for serious spiritual practitioners, this includes completing the kundalini process with all major chakras blooming into full lotus form, dissolving the ego to abide in who we truly are and to become part of the Love. The journey Home, if one can speak in those terms, is a journey of our True Self. The ultimate destiny is not about going to a higher place, dimension or destination but to return to the Creator. The Love of the Creator, of our Beloved Divine Source, is the mightiest power that can cleanse, purify and provide all of our needs in an instant. The Love of the Creator is the only power that can take us Home.

In Padmacahaya, the safety net in allowing the kundalini to flow out the crown comes in several ways. 1) First, in RT level I, the blockages in the sushumna and chakra knots are sufficiently cleared to allow the safe passage of kundalini up and out the crown. During the attunement, the Love of Divine Source calibrates this according to your needs and nervous system. 2) The connection to the core of the earth is made for proper grounding. 3) The beginning level instruction on using the spiritual heart properly in working with the subsequent recommended practices is provided along with the activation.

Reiki Tummo and the Padmacahaya curriculum is not about how to become a healer. On the contrary, one learns and realizes that the best healer is always the Divine Source. In follow-on training, we better learn-realize that the blessings of Divine Source really is Love and always gives the best. By having this proper understanding in everything whether it be energy channeling, specific spiritual practices, living our daily life, we will then be able to let the blessings of the Divine Source help us, our friends, all beings and existence. The greatest gift of all is Love itself. Its true meaning and substance can only be discovered and known in sharing with others.


Edited by - Steve on Nov 02 2007 4:38:40 PM
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Posted - Nov 19 2007 :  09:59:39 AM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
ZZZZZZ: I took a set of Reiki Tummo attunements and courses years ago. Wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Just did nothing for me. ...

Send your money to me instead please?!

The strongest impression, or strongest lacking impression was that of people embodying some real wisdom. Instructors, students, no one.


Thank you for your blunt honesty. May I ask where you attended the workshop and who taught it? Were you able to be regular and devote any time to the recommended practices following your attunement? I ask for a couple of reasons.

Our nervous systems are all different and sometimes it takes awhile for a person to become kinesthetically sensitive enough to register the Reiki Tummo flow I described in an earlier reply to YYYYYY. Not everyone will feel it clearly in the beginning. The Reiki Tummo attunement is not meant to blow your system open in an unbalanced unhealthy way but to begin a very gentle balanced process that allows the divine energy, the earth energy and kundalini to work together in a manner that builds a solid healthy foundation, physical and non-physical preparing the way for real spiritual growth. Sometimes, it does take follow-on practice of the recommended exercises for several months before it is clearly felt by a participant. In the scheme of things comprising a lifetime, a couple of months investment is not that long a period of time to evaluate the worthiness of a practice.

If you ever want to consider giving it another shot, I would be happy to see if I could find a senior alumni in the area who might be of assistance or if that did not work, perhaps Rama one of Irmansyah's Reiki Tummo teachers might be able to work with you at a distance. I cannot promise Rama would be available but I could at least ask and find out. Of course, there would be no charge for either since you have already taken the workshops. And as you probably know, anyone who has attended a Reiki Tummo workshop can repeat the workshop including receiving the attunements for $25. From your comment, this probably is not of interest to you but I am just putting it out there should you ever have a change of heart.

Regarding your comment, "The strongest impression, or strongest lacking impression was that of people embodying some real wisdom. Instructors, students, no one." ...

Irmansyah has attempted to make the Padmacahaya course of instruction available to everyone including those with no previous background at all. The name Reiki Tummo, especially the reiki portion has caused the majority of serious practitioners of other disciplines to treat it lightly feeling there was little of value. It is actually one of the reasons, I am taking the time to respond to some of the questions in this forum. I have a deep respect for diligent practitioners of every tradition and want to clearly communicate that the training for the spiritual heart, inner heart, soul and spirit that follows at the retreat level with Irmansyah is something of real value that can complement and empower any path or discipline. The opening, unfolding and proper utilization of the spiritual heart is critical in the spirit's journey home to the Creator.

ZZZZZZ, in alot of occasions, it has been true that many if not most of the participants in a given Reiki Tummo workshop are relative newbies and do not have deep practicing backgrounds in yoga, taoism, dzogchen, etc. For the most part regarding outside disciplines, the authorized Reiki Tummo teachers do not either. However, they do have an excellent knowledge of the material they are teaching, a deep loving relationship with Divine Source and experientially a very good, deep and sustained ability to be able to open and surrender their whole heart and whole self to Divine Source to be used as an instrument and let the Love work through them. These are the critical elements in being a teacher. They are here to help at the entry level. They are still learning themselves. Real wisdom and understanding does not equate with information given out to satisfy our brains or the ability to correlate teachings from other disciplines with Reiki Tummo but how well we can open our heart and whole self to Divine Source and let the Love and Blessings of the Creator work.

As Reiki Tummo is simply the beginning part of a series of lessons in advanced spiritual development, authorization to teach Reiki Tummo is not spread freely. The ability to surrender properly, knowledge of the entry material and the authority to do so are closely monitored by Irmansyah. Teachers can spend years in training before their surrender to Divine Source has reached a sufficient level of depth and quality to be granted permission to teach a workshop. Even after that, they are closely monitored by Irmansyah. Only an approved teacher in the Padmacahaya or Padmajaya (Indonesian) Foundation has the authority to teach Reiki Tummo. This is to ensure that the direction and real goal of Reiki Tummo does not change. A person who has completed level 3B (teacher level) in Reiki Tummo is still learning and does not have a complete and thorough understanding-realization about the full essence of Reiki Tummo, as Reiki Tummo is an integrated part of a more advanced program of spiritual development.

When taking our first workshop, many of us, myself included, enter and take with us many preconceived ideas and expectations that can limit our experience. This is actually more common with seasoned practitioners vs new persons with little background. Personally, I came to Padmacahaya with over 30 years of practice learned from other traditions. I mentioned in another reply that both helped and hindered me. In some respects, I progressed quickly, in others like the heart I had an initial difficulty and had to unlearn certain things. Working with the heart is about letting go and allowing. I was very disciplined with my previous practices and had built up habits of doing things in certain ways. However, working with the heart and the blessings of Divine Source is not about doing it our way, it requires giving up control to something bigger than ourselves, to our Creator the one that birthed us. Many came to the initial workshops I attended with little or no practicing spiritual background in this lifetime and actually did much better with the heart than I did. Some continue to do so even now years later. It took me awhile to let go of some restrictive habits cultivated by my past training, certain concepts and ideas I had, but once that happened and I was really able to begin letting the blessings work, in the best of ways things changed dramatically for me including practices I still continued to do from other traditions.

All of the material for Reiki Tummo I, II, IIIA except the bonus Shing Chi 8 practice (first divine chakra above the crown) is explicitly presented in Irmansyah's book. If time is taken to carefully read the book, one can see that Irmansyah is presenting and using the Reiki material in a particular way to experientially begin teaching lessons much more important than Reiki itself. Specific practices and instruction are used to impart particular spiritual keys at each level of Reiki Tummo. These are clearly delineated in Irmansyah's book. The majority have to do with 1) knowing our heart, relaxing, smiling and surrendering, 2) strengthening and using our heart better so that one can connect to the Creator easier and be able to better receive the blessing of the Creator and 3) removing limitations and gaining a better understanding of the Divine. The specific lessons, methods and practices for imparting the understanding to these keys and more that I have not mentioned are in the book. Their value should not be underestimated.

In Padmacahaya, Reiki Tummo is a training platform. The Reiki symbols used in Reiki Tummo I, II, IIIA have no power of their own. They are much like training wheels on a bicycle when we first learn to ride. In the beginning, they support our learning. However, at a certain stage we outgrow their use and they become limitations. After the Reiki Tummo workshops are completed in the follow-on spiritual retreat with Irmansyah, our connection to Divine Source is strenghthened more, our understanding of the Divine and ability to let the blessings work improve and specific barriers in our energy field that separate us from the universe are removed thereby eliminating the need to use Reiki symbols. At that point we rely more directly on the Love and Blessings of Divine Source. These are just words but the impact to our spiritual growth is huge. Everything in Padmacahaya builds step-by-step creating the proper foundation that allows the next step to unfold naturally and become alive within the individual.

I wish you the best in your own practices and chosen path. The best to you ALWAYS.


Edited by - Steve on Nov 19 2007 10:56:12 AM
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Posted - Sep 18 2009 :  5:37:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit Ananda's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Steve, thank you for sharing the good stuff i enjoyed the reading.

to be frank i'm an AYP guy to the bones bcz it WORKS (gratitude to Yogani) and i've been into a lot of other systems over the years... AYP is far yet the best according to my personal experience.

but i love the way you portrayed this whole topic, it seems that there is some true experiential knowledge in that and to that i bow in respect.

if it is not too much i would appreciate it if you can give me your opinion on this subject: http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic....OPIC_ID=5873 and if there is another remedy than self pacing which can add in facilitating the purification process around the heart center.

and i especially admire how you incorporated the two systems, maybe something good can be added to ayp since it's an open system...

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Posted - Sep 19 2009 :  02:08:40 AM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Ananda,
to be frank i'm an AYP guy to the bones bcz it WORKS (gratitude to Yogani) and i've been into a lot of other systems over the years... AYP is far yet the best according to my personal experience.
Yes, many thanks to Yogani and AYP and making the AYP practices available to people around the world through the books, lessons and this forum. They are 'open source', very effective and are helping many. For this, I am most appreciative.

Please know I am not trying to sell or market Reiki Tummo or anything else. I simply speak of those things which have made big differences in my life. If one were to ask Irman directly, he would tell you its not about him, Reiki Tummo or Padmacahaya. Its about True Source, the Love and the direct connect each of us has with Source. Padmacahaya simply provides a way to enliven that within oneself. Others, including many on this forum are finding their hearts opening naturally in response to their AYP practices and the many blessings now present in the environment. I am a proponent of whatever works. For me Padmacahaya provided a direct access to True Source, the Heart and Love via the 'inner heart' that worked in an extremely effective way that I had never come across in my other studies of yoga, taoist alchemy, dzogchen, the Bon tradition and various types of energy work.

Unlike AYP, the Padmacahaya curriculum is not yet 'open source' and is only taught in workshops and retreat settings. So many, even if interested are unable to take advantage of it. It used to be one had to travel to Indonesia to receive the higher teachings. At least now, some of them are taught in a number of countries around the world. Perhaps, in the future as the environment continues to change to support the opening of the heart, Irman might make some of it available through webinar events, skype, books, etc. I have heard nothing to this end, just hopeful so that others can benefit too.

Regarding your question, I will respond in the other thread.

Love and Light,

Edited by - Steve on Sep 19 2009 03:21:09 AM
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Posted - Sep 24 2009 :  02:38:15 AM  Show Profile  Visit newtoayp's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Paid a lot of money and did two levels from Mr. Paramjaya. Absolutely did nothing for me. Did not feel any energy. AYP, which is free and devoid of mystery and commercialism, WORKS for all. There are no mystic claims and there is a strong history of an enlightened linage behind it. I don't say Reiki Tummo is not a good path, but simply sharing my experience and of half a dozen friends. All one requires on Reiki Tummo is to pay money and sit waiting for something to happen. There is some level of practice but the core of this practice is transmission. Not sure for how many this works! I spent a day on the banks of Ganga in Banaras and felt the most powerful transmission ever. When time is ripe, transmission and opening occurs, and you don't need to pay for it. That's what I have come to realize. Namaste
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Posted - Sep 24 2009 :  07:54:26 AM  Show Profile  Visit Shanti's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Newtoayp,

I will suggest going on with your AYP practices. You will see the difference soon. I attended a heart workshop http://heartsanctuary.org/en/open-heart-movie.html and I too thought it did nothing. But it opens up your heart and now as you go ahead with your practice, you will actually enjoy this opening. Give it a few days. Don't expect anything. Just keep up your practices and you will enjoy the fruits of your initiation soon.
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Posted - Sep 24 2009 :  10:37:01 AM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi newtoayp,

Welcome to the forum. Thank you for your sharing. AYP is a wonderful set of practices available to all. I wish you the best with them as they are helping many around the world.

When I first began reiki tummo and the follow-on workshops, my past training served as an impediment to my initial experience (not saying that has anything to do with you or your experience). I tried to fit the practice into how I did practices and what I knew at the time. As it turned out, I really knew little of Heart. Anyway, as I continued especially after meeting Irman things changed radically for the best in ways I would not have imagined. I do not look to Irman as guru, he simply helped me establish the direct connect to Source through the 'inner heart' and taught me how 'to let the Love work'. In a most practical meaningful sense, he helped to firmly establish the 'inner guru' in a way I had never experienced before. It changed my life.

There actually is a spiritual science behind it that sets up the foundation that helps this happen in a very effective way. It is unfolded through direct experience in subsequent retreats. Perhaps at a later time I will detail, the impact it had on the specific core practices of AYP, DM, SB and samyama and how each (AYP and Padmacahaya, beginning and intermediate levels) supported the other. The reason I have not done so to date is that without the direct experience of the 'inner heart' and 'letting the Love work' and their effect of taking over the directorship of our sadhana, it is natural to interpret whatever I would write in terms of one's current experience and disciplines. I actually deleted my previous post for this reason. For now, I view this simply as my own inability to communicate.
There is some level of practice but the core of this practice is transmission.
In the reiki tummo workshops, yes, there is an attunement. However, the core of the practice, is the heart and to actually practice. Regarding reiki tummo itself, just getting the attunements and not doing the practices would be incomplete. The reiki tummo level 2 alumnus who is sincere and practices reiki tummo as their main primary practice has a daily routine just like an AYP practioner does. He-she daily does self-healing, grounding, the tummo meditation, Open Heart Prayer and a practice for enjoying the heart. The heart work serves like the role of meditation in AYP. One begins to enjoy the peace and calmness, the lightness and expansion, the joy and happiness in the heart in deeper and deeper measure.

The mechanism is different. In AYP deep meditation, the mantra and a finely tuned mental process is used to experience finer and finer levels of thought and then beyond thought to the source of thought to cultivate inner silence. In reiki tummo 'the pure feeling' of the heart and the 'blessing flowing directly into the heart' is used to relax, to feel and enjoy the beautiful feelings within the heart, the peace and calmness, lightness and expansion, joy and happiness, to let the Love work and to eventually be within and dissolve in the Love. The self-healing practice removes blockages, improves health and serves as a facility to let the Love work better and in this way further improve one's connection to Divine Source. The tummo meditation cultivates a harmonized balanced kundalini flow and ecstatic conductivity. Integrating the workings of the divine energy above the crown, the kundalini, the core energy of the earth, the Love and heart, it cleanses and develops the sushumna and chakras. The grounding practice helps to keep everything in balance between the divine energies and the earth, the spiritual and material aspects of our life. The connection with the core of the earth serves as an additional energy source to fuel the kundalini.

The nature of the heart and reiki tummo attunements along with the blessing that flows into the heart also allows one to begin to relax into the heart, to smile and enjoy the beautiful feelings of the heart during the day in activity. It does not happen immediately. Like most practices, there is a clunky stage as new pathways are established and we get used to their working. Of course, when AYP is the primary path and one uses reiki tummo as secondary support, the integration of the two would be somewhat different. Do not underestimate the beneficial effect that the direct cultivation of 'inner silence' through DM along with a finer feeling sense of the heart and letting the Love work can have in one's daily life and sharing with others.

"Sri Ramana Maharshi had said that self-inquiry is more like feeling than like thought." At more advanced levels, there is a dynamic in the partnership between the ever-deepening inner silence (AYP DM) and the directorship of the inner heart (Padmacahaya) that adds additional substance to self-inquiry.

Like Shanti I am glad you found AYP and a set of practices that are benefitting you. We are all here to help and support each other along the way. Indeed we are brothers and sisters in spirit. The best to you in all things.

PS. RT Level 1 workshop is $100. RT Level 2 workshop is $200. After taking them the initial time, they can be repeated again anytime for $25.

Everything taught in the reiki tummo workshops, levels 1, 2 and 3 except the Shing Chi 8 practice from RT 3 and some additional heart practices more recently added since the book's publication is detailed in Irman's book 'Reiki Tummo: An Effective Technique for Health and Happiness' available through Amazon's third party vendor Sanders_G for $19.95. Sanders_G is the official distributor for the book in North America.

A simple smiling exercise and practice to begin opening and feeling the heart can be found at http://www.open-your-heart.org.uk .

Love and Light,

Edited by - Steve on Sep 24 2009 2:12:21 PM
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1197 Posts

Posted - Sep 24 2009 :  10:38:47 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
When time is ripe, transmission and opening occurs, and you don't need to pay for it.

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277 Posts

Posted - Sep 25 2009 :  06:06:39 AM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi newtoayp,

Are you Mandrake from thetaobums website?

Love and Light,
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1 Posts

Posted - Jul 25 2017 :  2:50:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Sorry for that , but i need to talk to steve , if you here...
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277 Posts

Posted - Jul 28 2017 :  2:14:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Steve's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Olivier,

Just saw your post.

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