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Posted - Apr 02 2007 :  9:55:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit Jana's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hi Folks, Long one for my first post on this auspicious site.

The essence of the Secret is “as above so below.”

I was lying in the bath this morning in absolute exhaustion listening to Osho’s CD “The Bliss of Aloneness.” It struck me that although it is full moon and I do have my period, with my supernutrient diet I shouldn’t be so exhausted, it must be my mind! Paraphrasing Osho, he was saying to be problem focused is to be in the dark without a candle…and that there is no door in the darkness but increasing despair. Whether we are focusing on the problems in religion, politics, family, career, relationship, the problem-seeking mind accumulates only increasing darkness thus exhausting its own resources. Osho said all “problems” are the absence of their positive or illuminated qualities. Thus they are solved by illumination of the darkness, and so I went into my exhaustion. I noticed my solar plexus (enteric brain) was really struggling.

I realized that my head brain had been focusing on the problems of religion, politics, family, career, relationship and future. Because the poor enteric brain is essentially at the mercy of the thinking mind, all its metabolic processes and indeed its life itself had been damaged by my problem focus. So I did some breathing into the enteric brain to help bring it back online. Then I noticed that my thymus and thyroid were painfully sore with sadness, so again I breathed into and focused my mind on these areas to bring them back into the fold. Doing this took care of my energy levels, because the enteric brain represents energy receiving, the thyroid represents energy metabolism and the thymus represents the integrity of form or self-recognition.

The enteric brain is activated through the parasympathetic nervous system, which is suppressed with the sympathetic activation of problem-mind. Because the parasympathetic nervous system is associated with “growth, and the sympathetic with “defense”…this means problem-mind can only create more problems.

I theorized that all suffering is a form of cellular anger at needs unmet. Consider the cellular anger or darkness (absence of light) of: fear, hate, anger, loneliness, hunger…and the seven deadlies Luxuria (extravagance, lust), Gula (gluttony), Avaritia (greed), Acedia (sloth), Ira (wrath), Invidia (envy), and Superbia (pride). Thus using the metaphor of the candle lighting the darkness, the illumination of these deficiencies represents a spiritual heightening of consciousness and home coming to our primordial state of Wholeness. The opposite of cellular anger is satiety, and the highest vibratory food in existence is Spirit or love consciousness itself. Thus all our absences and darkness can be directly fed through the fountain of infinite Spirit. We can pretend that we will be more whole when we obtain this or that, or when this or that problem is solved—or we can be filled to completion and be whole right Now and thus live the life of a saint rather than a beggar.

I don't think the secret to life is to lower expectations...I think the secret to life is to Know Thyself...that is know what we want, then to magnetize all of our atoms, feelings, thought and action set on this target, which forces us to grow. As we grow the target will change. Even so we must grok that it is the "process of growth" itself that is the goal to life, not the actual achievement of our goals.

As we move from goal-mind (seeking/desire) and worry-mind (neverfinding/aversion), we enter into the new universe of deep-mind. Deep-mind is intrinsically interested in smelling the flowers along with way. That is deep-mind is focused on the process of life itself in its unfolding mystery. Only in deep-mind is "quality of human life" really experienced, for goal-mind and worry-mind are removed (in space, time and Presence) from the process of life and thus prevent deep-mind's enjoyment of the moment.

The Secret seen in reverse is the repulsive power of fear. Fear, or aversion is attachment to sorrow, whereby you attract more of what you don’t want. If the essence of the Good/God is abundance, we see that poverty is the abdication of responsibility to accept abundance—thus as a slave to fear we negate the Good/God that is abundance. We do this because we intuit that limitation will help us avoid the difficulty of growth. Growth is upsetting, it means a loss of crippling, limiting habits we have grown to love. Expansion to include other humans in relationship is a huge responsibility to have to give up our fearful bubble of dysfunctional retreat from the Good/God of plenitude.

I think the secret of success is more a case of monitoring our reactions to outcomes than on kerbing our desires. If we try for something and don't get it, either we can wollow in defeatist behavior or we can move on to the next thing. So it is more a matter of learning, than trying to establish some neutral state at the beginning. This could be graphed out...Desire/emotional attachment is a learning experience by which we determine if our means are effective, and if what we think we desire is really what we desire. If we do not have emotional drive at the beginning, then there is no pleasure pain principle by which we can be e-motivated, and by which we can govern our success. If there is no desire—movement—success cycle then there is no learning, thus we could say that desire is the path to enlightenment.

Using New Thought principles we could theorize that the success of our attempt to fulfill our desire is solely dependent on the “growth” taken to achieve it. If we do not grow, then we don't really appreciate or value what it is we have attained. So in reality it is actually GROWTH that we are unconsciously seeking in all our desires. For it is the phenomena of GROWTH that places us in unity consciousness or Flow.
If we feel something requires too much growth of us, then we will sabotage the attempt in order to stay in our former familiar patterns. Then we might redouble our self-sabotage by getting depressed about that which we didn't get because "we" ourselves aborted the necessary effort.

Thus we see (as above so below) that we must become that which we want. And since we only find ourselves "whole" while in Flow this means that existence necessitates GROWTH in order to spiritually connect. And we must be "whole" that is living in the growth state of Flow in order to achieve what we desire and then appreciate it. It therefore makes no spiritual sense at all to avoid desires that make or force us to grow...while those that prevent growth should be avoided as a movement away from process of life. If we do not become what we want, that is become that which we desire, then we may have it for a second, and then it will slip away either through our own sabotage or through the lack of sympathetic resonance with the object of our desire.

Trying to avoid what one is feeling just delays processing and accumulates karmic debris in the nervous system which go on to create further feelings which we try to deny or snuff out. Humans will use the full bag of behavioral tricks in order to avoid processing the primary feeling impulse...this is life lived in an unconscious backassward fashion.

Instead the way to mature and "grow" in feeling, thought and action is to embrace ones existence in the world in a kind of aikido-like energetic practice. In order to avoid divisions, factures and emotional tumors within we need to keep the organism-total in perfect coherent magnetic alignment...in this way the information, atoms, electrons and energy move more freely. This alignment that permits the flow of greater consciousness is another way of describing enlightenment.

Thus we cannot avoid a feeling of suffering arising within us, but we notice the place it comes from, which usually relates back to a hurt during infancy. Then we bring loving conscious Presence into that wound and stay with it until the organism-total is brought back into perfect coherent magnetic alignment again. In this way our wounds are the specific means by which we can grow ourselves like a vine to the stars.

Conscious incarnation is raising voluntary willed Presence to "meet" the full degree of the wound—to not move away from the karmic debris of harm, danger, scrapes and bruises of life. But to embrace all this with a larger sense of life and new breath—to move through and beyond our wound instead of living in it...for by cutting it off and carrying it around like a tumor, we still have to live with it and be constantly reafflicted.

Like great attractors, the path is laden with false turns, quicksand and potholes which we fall into unawares. As soon as we really notice we are in one of these pitfalls, we can start getting out of it. But with feeling-Presence-penetration, conscious inquiry and new behavior we get out of it even faster. But not until we have really felt the full impact of that miasma in our being. That is the more we feel into our present condition, the further we can arise from it like a Phoenix. For the fire of consciousness burns clean the karmic debris of our former self that created this miasma, in order to bring the total-organism back into perfect magnetic alignment.

As we feel into our present (ie: Presence) we bring our being into coherence with the cosmos...and since there is infinite potential for increased consciousness, there is infinite potential for the realignment to greater degrees of coherence with the Universe. However, if we fail to do this work we simply get one false turn, quicksand and pothole after another and accumulate vast quantities of karmic debris without understanding the science of dealing with any of it. And thus life is suffering.

George Leonard has a video interview with Jeffery Mishlove in the Thinking Allowed series. This is the best material I have seen on emotional/energetic aikido. http://www.thinking-allowed.com/
Awakening Your Body’s Energies (#W356)
Consciousness and the Martial Arts (#S310);
Transforming Human Nature(#S210).

Other material of his includes:
The 5 Keys to Mastery by George Leonard (DVD - 2005)
The Tao of Practice by George Leonard (VHS - 1998)

Also the Inner Arts in BOK deals directly with this going into the cut off places as well.
The basic principles of the neuroscience of karmic accumulation are tentatively laid out in Toxic Mind Theory also in BOK.
The spinal shower, especially when the spinal shower consists of natural mineral waters out of the earth, is the prima-ultra method of removing accumulated karmic debris out of the nervous system!!!!


Jesus said, “I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind.”

The word gnosis (from the Greek word for knowledge, refers to a Hellenic philosophical term for knowledge. The term is used throughout Greek philosophy as a technical term of experience knowledge in contrast to theoretical knowledge which is akin to epistemology. The term is also related to the study of knowledge retainment." Wikipedia

Gnosis is original thought, or knowledge of the divine intention in oneself. Kundalini, as a flow of the divine intention or "Muse," can be can expression of the path of true wisdom. However, it is not the experiences of a kundalini awakening, the story or symptoms that are of any real importance. The essence of awakening is the "growth" required to wake up to the causes of experiences and symptoms and to metadapt to this knowledge. In this way kundalini is the path to true wisdom for it requires us to search the heights and depths within and beyond. But kundalini without this spirit of inquiry is likely to make us less spiritual and intelligent that before. By expressing the results of our gnosis there may be a chance of increasing the gnostic capacity in those we touch...this passing on of the capacity for interior wisdom is the most valuable spiritual gift we can impart.

To "know thyself" is the goal of enlightenment. It is also stated as direct knowledge of God through awareness of the divine spark within, via privileged "knowledge of the heart" or "insight" about the spiritual nature of the cosmos. Of course one persons God is another persons madman, and so we see the subjective nature of gnosis, and that the only credentials for authenticity we can offer is simply the earth touching gesture of the Buddha. It needs no verification other than the flow of wisdom and the stabilization of transmutation that it imparts in us...for that in the end is all that there is and the only thing that essentially matters. To be gnostic is to be free but then the question remains, what are we going to do with that freedom?

How gnosis works?
We could say that consciousness higher up the vertical scale is less impaired by the vagrieties of space, time and matter. And that a refinement of the atomic hardware of conscious-realization in the bodymind leads to more monoatomic superconduction of consciousness. This transmutation not only means the matter of the body is less dense, less occluded and provides less resistance to the conveyance and reception of consciousness; but that increase in the monoatomic biophysics means that the body actually weighs less and has a different vibrational interface with surrounding fields.

Listening to Amory Lovins and Charlie Rose interview on google video, Amory made some interesting comments...he said that innovation and invention is the sudden sensation of stupidity. That is the realization of what you didn't know before...or were somehow blocking from conscious recognition. He said that people who have a new idea, are those who just stopped having old ideas. Thus we see that "enlightenment" is the process of letting go of former thoughts, feelings and the morphogenic fields and the subsequent forms in matter related to these. Obviously this letting go of past consciousness leads to a vast expansive sense of self, essentially constituting what we call freedom.

This liberated consciousness is more abstract in that it is not confined and restricted by present or past forms of thought and matter. However, because of the stabilized coherence...the literal power of consciousness...it is able to impact, transform and manipulate all memes and material form far more than the lower levels of attainment which are essentially playing with the shadows on Plato's cave wall. And thus we see that the higher levels of consciousness are both more abstract, more substantial and impactful than the more fixated, spastic, disordered lower levels that go at life in a reactionary manner.

Of course the higher levels can only be substantiated through love, that is unity with earth and cosmos. And it is this love and the infinite rewards of love that constitute release from misery, confusion and grasping.


1608 Posts

Posted - Apr 02 2007 :  11:02:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jana,

Welcome to the AYP forum and thank you for the many insights in your post.

All the best to you on your path,

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Posted - Apr 03 2007 :  4:08:50 PM  Show Profile  Visit Jana's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks A,

There is enormous space in the deep-mind which must be "actively" entered into without resorting to the safety of worry-mind or goal-mind. Nature reacts differently to this new form of consciousness also—I was at a lake yesterday lying on the ground to revive myself and breathing into my solar plexus...a large goose out on the lake make a noise each time I breathed. It was essentially responding to the vibrations given off by the liberated solar plexus cells on receiving new breath and new life...ie: liberation from the life-destroying tyrrany of "normal" consciousness. Yikes!!!

We can make a problem out of letting go of problem-mind, because being suddenly freed from it is rather dizzying and disorientating and leaves one with a feeling of obsolescence…like “what now.” But with the liberation of the heart and viscera from the incessant gnawing away of default-consciousness—the loci of consciousness shifts to the right brain and right eye. Thus we abide in “Is What Is.” With problem-mind lifted and its infinite array of worries and problems gone we can drop into a freefall, in which there is no effort to maintain balance and wholeness. In a sense we re-learn how to simply be an animal in the world. I watched an eagle fly the other day and I thought, “eagles have mates, and they don’t make a fuss about it, it just Is What Is.” Then I felt the majesty of that.

In perceiving Is What Is, I was told by the last full moon that I had to go running to build up my cardio. I didn’t do it, and so was floored again with this full moon. One cannot get around Is What Is without suffering the consequences. Perhaps problem-mind is just an ignorance or blatant disregard for Is What Is.
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1608 Posts

Posted - Apr 03 2007 :  9:49:14 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
the loci of consciousness shifts to the right brain and right eye.

My experience has been a little different in that "the loci of consciousness" for me, has shifted and is shifting to the heart, I find myself acting and moving more from my heart and from instincts and intuition now than ever before.

Perhaps problem-mind is just an ignorance or blatant disregard for Is What Is.

"Problem-mind" from my perspective is a shift away from "what is" to dwelling in an imaginary/ illusory fear of what has been or could be. Which is pretty much saying the same thing as you.


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Posted - Apr 03 2007 :  10:06:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit jillatay's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Jana,

Just want to send my appreciation to you on your post. I went to your site and like that too. There was something there that was just what I needed. Thanks, Jill

PS I love the Lovins thing too.
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1651 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2007 :  9:14:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit Kirtanman's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Jana

Hi Folks, Long one for my first post on this auspicious site.

Hi Jana,

Hey, thanks for coming on over - (from your "humble yet amazing" little site!) - and "saying hey" ... with an initial post (and follow-on comments in your second post) that is so informative and powerful as to be essentially staggering.

Like, thanks.

And that's not meant as an over-the-top accolade, and much as it's a "Hey! AYPers -- here's one loooong post that's:

A. well worth the read.


B. 'not mine'."

And seriously / happily: Welcome, Jana!

I hope you find some genuine value and community here, and personally am looking very forward to any further contributions you care to make, and conversations in which you initiate / participate in (i.e. this one ... I would comment on the actual content of your post{s} - but would be here all night, most likely ... though may still have a comment or two, soon.)

Peace & Namaste,


PS - For anyone who may not know, Jana has kindly (and obviously! ) spent a whole lot of time, effort and research (academic and "in the trenches") developing what is quite probably the most comprehensive web site in existence, covering the specifics of kundalini-related biology / physiology / biochemistry and subtle-energy. I highly recommend her site to everyone - especially those of us who are at any stage of progression, with respect to "full on" kundalini awakening.
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832 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2007 :  9:31:47 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jana and welcome to the AYP forum!

Thank you for your abundant sharing in your post above. I didn't know that your site was Biology of Kundalini. I have used your site quite a bit and found a lot of very valuable information, especially about how kundalini affects digestion, vitamin absorption and other physical processes in the body.

Enjoy your stay here and I much look forward to your further contributions here!
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1457 Posts

Posted - Apr 10 2007 :  04:47:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit Sparkle's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jana, welcome to the forum.
You have certainly made a great offering here on the forum, thank you very much for this. I think I will print it out and read it a few times.
I started copy/pasting some section that particularly appealed to me and then there was more and more, so I stopped at what is below.

Thanks again

If there is no desire—movement—success cycle then there is no learning, thus we could say that desire is the path to enlightenment

So in reality it is actually GROWTH that we are unconsciously seeking in all our desires. For it is the phenomena of GROWTH that places us in unity consciousness or Flow.

Thus we see (as above so below) that we must become that which we want. And since we only find ourselves "whole" while in Flow this means that existence necessitates GROWTH in order to spiritually connect. And we must be "whole" that is living in the growth state of Flow in order to achieve what we desire and then appreciate it. It therefore makes no spiritual sense at all to avoid desires that make or force us to grow...while those that prevent growth should be avoided as a movement away from process of life. If we do not become what we want, that is become that which we desire, then we may have it for a second, and then it will slip away either through our own sabotage or through the lack of sympathetic resonance with the object of our desire

Conscious incarnation is raising voluntary willed Presence to "meet" the full degree of the wound—to not move away from the karmic debris of harm, danger, scrapes and bruises of life. But to embrace all this with a larger sense of life and new breath—to move through and beyond our wound instead of living in it...for by cutting it off and carrying it around like a tumor, we still have to live with it and be constantly reafflicted.

Of course the higher levels can only be substantiated through love, that is unity with earth and cosmos. And it is this love and the infinite rewards of love that constitute release from misery, confusion and grasping.
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Posted - Oct 28 2007 :  11:58:48 AM  Show Profile  Visit Eddie33's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Good and advanced but i bet i can doubt it, :)
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