It is said by some that intense physical exercise (distance running etc.) can hinder yogic practice. As exercise is used as a grounding techinique, it appears AYP would also maintain this belief. I assume it is because energy is expended and dissipated outwardly but would like the AYP perspecitve from Yogani and others as to why. At what level does physical exertion become a hinderance to yogic practice?
Exercise in relation to yoga is like exercise in relation to anything else. Overdoing it in exercise will compromise our life. Likewise it can compromise our spiritual progress. So can overdoing it in spiritual practices.
Which is not to say long distance running or other intense physical activities are anti-yoga. It is only a matter of prudent conditioning and balancing our exercise in relation to everything else, including yoga. It can be done. Look at our fearless friend, John Wilder -- cross-country runner and wunderkid sage, all at the same time.
There is no doubt that a moderate and stable exercise program will help our spiritual progress, and just about everything else in our life. This is touched on in the lessons here ...and in more detail in the Asanas, Mudras & Bandhas book, and AYP Easy Lessons book, where a yoga-friendly exercise program is offered.