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 Eckhart Tolle THE POWER OF NOW
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Posted - Jan 11 2016 :  4:09:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
In the Gurus section of this forum I have seen this book brought up more than once and decided to buy it based on the conversations we have had there.

So lets go through this book. I am not one to grant immediate legitimacy to any new age personality writing books and this fellow is not getting a free pass with me either.

Right up front I will say there is something about this Tolle that does not ring true so lets see if this book can make a difference in the opinion so far.

This is from a Kindle edition of the book so not certain if the pages will be the same for everyone's viewing device or the printed version but it should be close.

From the very beginning of the book it appears the Author was a very miserable unbalanced person by his own admission and then one day he had an opening.

I think many of those of us who visit AYP can attest to similar openings. But not many have declared themselves a self proclaimed spiritual teacher.

On page 6. The self promotion starts as well as crushing anyone who might disagree.

He starts by promoting those that agree with them by giving them accolades of being spiritual pioneers and a minority and further making them feel unique by describing them as a small group intimating their specialness their unique ability to get it. He trusts the book will find its way into the hands of those ready for radical inner transformation and so act as a catalyst for it.

Seriously? Oh yes I want to be one of the cool kids lucky me I have purchased the catalyst for radical inner transformation.

Whew folks and here I have Jim's miracle elixir chock full of Opium, Mercury and sawdust. Just 1 nickel step right up cures what ails ya right proper.

Sorry but can't resist the old West sales pitch this is the feel I get Pard.

So here we start off with people being made out as a special minority and special and in possession of a catalyst for radical inner transformation.

Errr.. not such a great start but hey I will be the first to admit I might be wrong in fact I learn best by being wrong and mistaken so here is hoping this will be a learning experience.

more later...


1511 Posts

Posted - Jan 11 2016 :  8:53:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi So-Hi,

I look at it this way~there are 7 billion of us Humans on this planet. If even a certain percentage of us read his books and are encouraged to start practices, it's still progress. I haven't read his books but have listened to some of his youtube videos. He looks like a nice person and love his laugh With all Gurus I follow this saying~Separate the wheat from the chaff. Take what is valuable and not worry about the rest. Everyone is playing their part.

Thank you for taking the time to share your review.


Edited by - sunyata on Jan 11 2016 8:54:49 PM
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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  07:56:30 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sunyata while we agree on most things here on the forums most of the time I am not yet ready to grant this book writing public personality legitimacy as a guru or a teacher.

This book review is about discovering more of what this person is calling their work. So I am just going through the book on this section of the website and commenting on what is in it.

If at the end I agree I will be sure to say so but if not that will also be said.

As with all things of this nature ones mileage will vary, my opinions do not constitute facts just opinions based on perception.

Both are subject to change.
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1511 Posts

Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  09:12:23 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sunyata while we agree on most things here on the forums most of the time I am not yet ready to grant this book writing public personality legitimacy as a guru or a teacher.

This book review is about discovering more of what this person is calling their work. So I am just going through the book on this section of the website and commenting on what is in it.

If at the end I agree I will be sure to say so but if not that will also be said.

As with all things of this nature ones mileage will vary, my opinions do not constitute facts just opinions based on perception.

Hi So-Hi,

Yes, we can agree to disagree. I'm not saying his teachings are the ultimate truth carved in stone. If it's helping some then that's good. I'm looking forward to your honest and genuine review.

Both are subject to change.

I know. Everything changes yet it's constant.

Edited by - sunyata on Jan 12 2016 09:18:09 AM
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481 Posts

Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  09:54:08 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
As time permits will add som more today in a little while.

Originally posted by sunyata

Hi Sunyata while we agree on most things here on the forums most of the time I am not yet ready to grant this book writing public personality legitimacy as a guru or a teacher.

This book review is about discovering more of what this person is calling their work. So I am just going through the book on this section of the website and commenting on what is in it.

If at the end I agree I will be sure to say so but if not that will also be said.

As with all things of this nature ones mileage will vary, my opinions do not constitute facts just opinions based on perception.

Hi So-Hi,

Yes, we can agree to disagree. I'm not saying his teachings are the ultimate truth carved in stone. If it's helping some then that's good. I'm looking forward to your honest and genuine review.

Both are subject to change.

I know. Everything changes yet it's constant.

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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  11:38:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
In order to get the most out of this book I will be posting comment only what I have read and will not read ahead.

Page 7

The author writes that he draws your attention to what is false in you speaking of the human unconsciousness and dysfunction as well as its most common behavioral manifestations.

Reaction = The human Unconsciousness is serving its function in the individual the way it should for the level of awareness of the individual, to declare dysfunction is to make far too broad of a sweeping judgement. After all I have known people who have a wonderful mind and suspect it is because they are working in concert with their vast repository and storehouse.

I often wonder if absent traumas in life if this would not be the case for all as I have seen even these individuals stumble and fall when trauma does occur.

I think the Yogi is one who is clearing out the traumas of this storehouse and derives ongoing permanent lasting benefit of doing so without the added burden of philosophical or psychoanalytical theory to ponder or use as a tool to constantly analyze their participation in existence.

Furthermore the yogi enjoys the unity within of these seemingly divided states of consciousness and as time goes on becomes more aware in the unconscious as lucid dreams are a clear indicator which many yogis report as a facet of their lives. Some like myself to the point where we know it was during sleep therefore it is called a lucid dream and while there know it to be such; but often prefer to withhold the knowledge from ourselves while there in order to enjoy the night life, but often realize the truth of the situation and the night life dissolves the only thing making it less real than the day life being a lack of continuity in the story and the fellowship of regularly occurring players in the drama to further confirm the validity by the agency of consistency and continuity only.

Whew that was a mouthful

When taking it in this perspective one has to decide which is real and which is not. I say that both are equally real but only conditionally and that which is the penultimate reality is without conditions. You need Sadhana to visit the penultimate or the supreme and in doing so everything and more that has just been typed none stop is known to the degree of ones developed and ever developing and mature / maturing awareness.

For the yogi there is only life only consciousness as this is part and parcel of development through sadhana.

Should be interesting to see what this Author provides beyond theory and a philosophical structure that can lead to the lasting and permanent changes of Yoga sadhana.

Reaction = That which is within you is not false, if you feel pain it is very real to you, if you feel joy and elation that is also real to you but maybe not the guy or gal on the street corner this however does not make it any less real.

Real yet passing.

Reaction = The Author is introducing a belief system of fractured duality within a person that I just do not think really exists.

He further states that such knowledge is vital because unless you learn to recognize the false as false - as not you there can be no lasting transformation he further asserts failing this you will always be drawn into some form of illusion which he describes as a form of pain.

Reaction = it will be interesting to see what tools he has people employ to recognize what he describes. Illusions can also be pleasurable they do not need to be pain I guess the main difference is understanding they are illusion to begin with is what he will try to get across.

He also states he will show you how not to make that which is false in you into a self and into a personal problem. He asserts this is how false perpetuates itself.

Reaction = by the process of yoga sadhana we neither seek that which is true nor that which is false yet somehow both become known. To a yogi it is nothing to see the mind in action and laugh at a story as it is beginning and dismiss the energy behind it as just not interesting enough to invest with consciousness or awareness.


Because inner unity via sadhana is so much better and the aftereffects through the day and the night so much more pleasurable and peaceful and correct.

These dimensions of being simply fail more and more to take root or manifest as psychic Golems because the the fertile ground is already hosting a superior crop.

Reaction = Is it possible people are really this unaware? that their awareness is not yet as mature to already be able to recognize and understand these things?

Is it possible the life which we are and the creations we manifest as pure life itself are being done so without our understanding and we are creating false identities and using these as bodies as vehicle to live through under conditions sometimes of madness and war?

Is it possible people really do concoct all these self's? These Golems?

I am sorry to say he may be correct as I have observed this behavior a lifetime and just thought the people were a little crazy or just don't know any better and best to not disturb them too much by pointing it out.

When I was a youngster a child of 5 even I attempted to point things out to others my peers and adults because I was beside myself with perplexed concern of why I was not being bothered by all these things people though oh so serious and worthy of becoming bothered about?

Swiftly discovered that when you do they generally have a reaction towards you that one could easily do without as every time I ever have I was only left wondering later how come they didn't get that? Could I have perhaps explained it any more clearly? Why get so angry?

This is enough for now on this post.

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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  4:36:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Chapter 1 Pages 11 through 16 You are not your mind.

With the exception of his take on the word God page 13 and following here he is missing something with this statement of the word God being empty and without meaning I suppose for Aesthetes or people who have had difficulties with a God based religion it might be comforting or even soothing.

Even as no one can claim exclusive possession of being neither can anyone of God. No denying many have tried and still do.

I know what he is talking about and why he is approaching it the way he is while I do not care for the delivery he is correct but still missing the unity by polarizing his message with neutrality of a beige word like being. But then again he is correct concerning this word as well.

Other than that this Chapter so far is improving my opinion of the book as there is no disagreement whatsoever.

Keeping this post short in closing this section ends very well.

Pleasantly surprised with this section and will be moving on to the next section of this chapter with a feeling of hope after a disagreeable intro.

Next will be Chapter 1 freeing yourself from your mind.

Edited by - So-Hi on Jan 12 2016 5:57:48 PM
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Posted - Jan 12 2016 :  6:11:52 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
This is out of sequence in the reading of the book but I would like to put in a word about the introduction section of the book.

There is no way I can review the introduction and remain truthful to what I perceive without deeply offending believers of Tolle as I find so many things in the introduction deeply objectionable.

That being said Chapter 1 is off to a good start so will continue from there tomorrow.

Have started reading section 2 of chapter 1 and the author has made me smile more than once. Will read 1 more time then offer review.

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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  1:53:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Chapter 1 section 2 Freeing yourself from your mind

The author describes the activities of the mind and describes it as the conditioned mind and states that it is a result of everything you have ever lived essentially and it influences ones perceptions of the present.

The Author states that because of this people judge the present based on the past instead of being fully present now and therefore currently live with a distorted view of reality.

The author states it is not uncommon for the voice in ones own head to be their worst enemy.

Reaction = Can not confirm or deny as this is not my experience.

The author claims many people live with a tormentor in their head.

Reaction = I can neither confirm nor deny what the author is speaking of as this is not how it is for me but it does seem to fit with what I have observed and does fill in the blanks with certain people I have known. These people however have been unwell.

For some reason when reading this I keep thinking he is talking more about people with abnormal mental issues meaning people who are under a doctors care for their own good rather than the average functioning person in society.

Given that the author was suicidal I suppose this may be coloring his writings.

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Posted - Jan 13 2016 :  3:17:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Chapter 1 section 2 continued

The Author states there is good news you can free yourself from the mind.

Reaction = this reminds me of a story I read of two highly regarded Swami's the first advises advise to stay away from women because they are troublesome. Later it is explained by another Swami that women are not troublesome and that the first teacher taught from his point of view the way he did because they themselves had trouble staying away from women.

From this perspective it appears the Author had allot of trouble with his mind and maybe still does.

The author offers a way to to take the first step and that is to start listening to the voice in your head and pay particular attention to any repetitive thought patterns.

Reaction = This is good advice it is always fun to realize something has become a repeating reaction to stimuli. I can see where this can have therapeutic value as no one gets through life without a few dings here and there. For more serious stuff it might make a really huge difference in someones life to acknowledge and work through.

The Author calls this listening to the voice in your head "Watching the Thinker"

The Author advises be there as the witnessing presence.

Reaction = Not such a very different term to what is called the witness in AYP which is a result of practices leading to greater inner silence. But here the Author seems to be implying it is an act of volition and from my point of view it would seem it would culminate in a tortured state of mind for the one doing this whereas from the practice of AYP it is just a natural occurrence that naturally deepens and matures over time.


The author goes on to describe what this is like when you practice listening to a thought.

Reaction = this seems terribly laborious to ask anyone to constantly consider doing when the same can be achieved via Yoga and it all works on it's own without having to constantly do anything.

The author offers this doing in order to bring about the end of involuntary & compulsive thinking.

Reaction = The author again seems to be addressing disorders.

The Author states that when a thought subsides you experience a discontinuity in the mental stream what he calls a gap and compares it to no mind, stating the gaps will be short at first then lengthen and then you will feel a certain stillness emanations of joy and so on.

Reaction = the Author is describing similar experiences those who practice deep meditation have. But it appears the main difference is his methods are forced and temporary.

The author states there is no other way he can express what he has.

Reaction = great job of sharing not an easy topic to write about.

Author is explaining creating gaps in the thought stream and being totally present even while doing simple things.

I think this is very good advice but where I am having difficulty with this so far is that he is describing actively inducing these states where as coming from my point of view and that of practicing Yoga these things he is describing are the natural way of living for me and I can't imagine any one wanting to force this on themselves when it can become the natural way of living for them via AYP practices instead.

The Author states the most vital step in your journey towards enlightenment is to learn to disidentify from the mind.

He further states that one day when you catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head as the antics of a child that is means you no longer take the contents of your mind all that seriously as your sense of self does not depend on it.

reaction = I like this but can neither confirm nor deny this to be true as enlightenment is not something I believe to be attributable to myself.

Well that is the close of Chapter 1 second section 2 and surprisingly I find myself more in agreement than not with this author.

I really like the way this author reads very fast and easy to read through.

More later.

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Posted - Jan 14 2016 :  10:47:33 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Well Vacation is just about over and it looks like some busy times ahead which means my activity on AYP is going to drop quite a bit.

This book review is taking too much time and I have fulfilled what I wanted to which was give the first few pages a try as some suggested on the Gurus section of this site.

Actually went a bit further than that and got into chapter 1. I may or may not revisit this thread at a later time.

As of right now my opinion is that this authors talks and book are not even close to the benefit that one may derive from the sadhana of AYP.

Who knows that may change as I continue to read the book but somehow I do not think so.
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