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 Instructions needed for more Prana for Kechari
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Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  04:39:28 AM  Show Profile  Visit PersonX's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hello there,
This is my first post ever on a yoga forum so I'll try to be as detailed as possible to avoid any misunderstanding.
P.S.: Since this is my first post, I've also written a few things about how and what I've experienced, yet, later on in the post.

The main question :
I need instructions about how could I increase the concentration of oxygen in this body or in the yogic terms, prana?
I read about Kechari Mudra a few weeks ago and have been trying to perform it ever since.
I've been practicing Talavya Kriya for 2 weeks now and I'm able to insert my tongue into the area above the soft palate i.e. in the cavity b/w the Sphenoid Sinus bone and Middle Turbinate of the nasal passage. [See image below for locations.]
Link : http://www.painneck.com/images/nasopharynx.jpg

Its sensitive alright but I've figured I need more Prana [conc. of oxygen] in me to let Kechari work the way its supposed to. I started sitting for meditation 2 months ago and stopped almost after 3 weeks or so. So, what sitting asana + bandhas should I be performing while I sit for meditation so that I may increase the Prana in the body to let Kechari Mudra work properly?

About me : [This is going to be long. :P]
So, I like to think of myself as an accidental yogi 'cause my first spiritual experience was really accidental. [Though I don't know anymore if ANYTHING can be called an accident or not.]
I'll start from the beginning. I had developed a habit of consuming Bhang [balls made from paste of Marijuana plant's leaves and buds] in the summer vacations last year. I was so deep that I'd be consuming 2-3 balls every DAY. Slowly, I figured I need to slow down 'cause marijuana was not working anymore [Probably because the cannabinoid receptors in the brain were shut off by the brain due to excess cannabis (Yes that's the way brain works and that's why marijuana is not addictive. Also, its not addictive because it doesn't even touch the dopamine reward system {responsible for addiction}.)]. So I went back to 1 ball a day and then 1 ball every 3 days until I came back to 1 ball a week. Anyhow, [This is sometime around October] one night I was super high, my memory was seriously impaired [if you know what I mean], I decided to sit down for meditation. [Yes we all can meditate while high on cannabis (not that I recommend it anymore) as the ONLY thing cannabis does is focus ALL your attention in the present moment, all the other things you experience are side effects like high heart rate and stuff. Your heart rate gets high because you get so engrossed in the present moment that you even forget to breathe properly which makes the air pressure inside you vanish which tricks the brain into thinking that the heart rate is too slow and accordingly it increases it. If you learn to sit up straight while high, your eyes won't get TOO red + your heart rate won't go up as sitting straight will make you breathe through the movement of your diaphragm and not the movement of your chest (breathing through diaphragm activates PNS {Para-Sympathetic Nervous System} instead of the SNS {the fight or flight system which increases heart rate}) and you'll be able to meditate but don't. :P You can focus you attention without cannabis as well (which of course you people know) and now I prefer the latter. :) ]
Also, [some of you might like this but I DON'T recommend it now since Kechari Mudra can be performed easily by practice of Talavya Kriya] if you consume enough marijuana to impair your memory [I'm talking about oral intake, not inhaling] and manage to sit straight, your heart rate will DROP. Yes, it will drop so much that it will hardly be beating [well, you don't really need to go to those levels to do this, just sitting straight and a slower than normal heart rate will work just fine]. When your heart rate decreases, you can perform Kechari Mudra without even severing the frenulum. This is almost like what happens in spontaneous Kechari Mudra. You send your Autonomous Para-Sympathetic Nervous System into overdrive by meditation and slow breathing which gets your body into rest and digest state which slows down the heart and Kechari happens without much severing of the frenulum automatically due to the ecstatic conductivity.
Now, to perform Kechari Mudra even more easily, consume enough marijuana to impair the memory [you'll have to figure out the dosage for yourself] and wait till it hits you [the time will be equal to the time taken to digest whatever is already in your system] and then sit straight on a chair while watching TV or anything you like and just breathe slowly and try to move as little as possible [Yes this is pretty much like meditation. (Meditation happens only and only when these two condition are met, the body should be still and the mind should be still [i.e. zero thoughts], the moment these both conditions become true, the body starts storing oxygen which initially helps heal the wounds [external and internal] by the process of mitosis [division of cells] and then after the healing process is complete, because you are not using this oxygen [energy] to do any work anymore, it starts evolving your body [organs]. Its pretty simple, straight forward and scientific. That's what I love about it! :D But this is just the physical part of it. :)]. You'll see that the focused attention due to impaired memory will help you breathe super slowly and also you'll notice the current starting up at the base of the spine. When you reach the point when you feel like your breathing has become too slow and heart rate too slow, sit down in Padma-asana or Siddhasana [the asana wouldn't really matter 'cause there's already enough oxygen in your body because of earlier slow breathing and the PNS is already being actively stimulated but that's just the physical part of asanas, so I'd recommend sitting in some asana.] with your back straight and close your eyes, continue simply breathing slowly for a while and then if it does not happen automatically [to me it always happened spontaneously] then start pushing the tongue backwards [you wouldn't really need the support of fingers at this point but if you do, don't hesitate] and slowly you'll start feeling this super strong electric current all over the body increasing as you go up and very soon and very easily you tongue will be inside the nasal passages! :D [Caution : It ACTUALLY feels like connecting a LIVE wire to the body so be prepared.] There you go! :D

So, I sat down in padma-asana, closed my eyes and started counting my breaths in pair in mind like, one inhalation - 1, one exhalation - 1, again on inhalation - 2 and so on. I don't really remember how long I went on but I suddenly felt a HUGE electric current at the base of the spine and figured it must be the Mooladhara Chakra and I became all alert. I realized Kundalini was awakening. :D Then I consciously focused all my attention at the base [Which is when I realized that the body was already in Jalandhara + Uddiyana Bandh (I didn't know about Mula Bandh then so I didn't notice if the body was doing it or not but it probably was.) and I also noticed that the tongue was almost touching the back of the mouth.] of the spine and slowly it started rising. It was AMAZING. I heard sounds, SO WEIRD but still calm [Heard many sounds but the only one I remember now is ringing of bells, bells I had NEVER EVER heard in my entire life!]. So, it rose and slowly I started feeling current in different parts of my body, PIERCING current that rotated at different parts of the body then moved on along the path which is when I started feeling this orgasmic feeling ALL OVER the body! It was like having a whole body orgasm! Only, it never ended! :D Just wonderful! :D The current in spine would rotate on one chakra for a bit of time then move on to the next and when it reached the Anahata, it ACTUALLY felt like a drilling machine was working right perpendicular to my heart at the back. The feeling of current was STRONGEST at Anahata related to other chakras. Then it moved on to Vishuddhi and then to Ajna. [I'd also like to tell that the current also had a few mini stops apart from all those major chakras. Later I discovered there are many more chakras.] When it rose to Ajna, when the piercing part was over, I saw a HUGE cloud [I'm trying my best here to describe the experience] and I was talking to it. :P Yes, talking, like a friend! :P In Hindi in total friend like tone and language, you know 'abe yaar' types. You might find this crazy but this is exactly what happened. :P Now the worst part. :P I didn't know about any more chakras. At least then. I didn't know that the current had to rise up to Sahasrara. I thought Ajna was the very last one. :P I said goodbye to the cloud in this way 'Chal, abhi nikal raha, kal fir milenge.' [Alright, I'll be going now, lets meet again tomorrow.] and slowly I opened my eyes. Now what I'm about to describe might sound even crazier but this is EXACTLY what happened. :P When I opened my eyes, I was lost for a bit. I had forgotten where I was sitting!! :P Then when I gathered myself and tried to release the legs from the asana, they were stuck! :P Yes, stuck but not in a bad way. [Can't explain this part.] :P When I released the legs, I sat up with both legs side by side with knees on top which is when I started shaking! The whole body started shaking so crazily that I couldn't even shout to call my parents from the next room! :P Somehow I figured that this was because of ALOT of extra energy in the body, I stood up and started jumping and dancing like crazy to use up this energy [and mind you, I 'NEVER' dance. NEVER.] and while doing this, I thought a bit of music won't be bad and I actually started hearing some kind of AWESOME music to which I began dancing. :P Don't know how long I was dancing but when I settled, I was feeling this current ALL OVER the body, ALL OVER! EVERYWHERE! Slowly I grasped myself which is when I realized another thing. I was feeling f*king AWESOME!! It was like happiness was flowing in the body from head to toe. I CANNOT explain this but it was really like this. I closed my eyes and somehow I started seeing children. Crying hungry children who needed help and I felt tears in my eyes. Not sure what this meant which is when I felt like I could fly. :P I cannot explain it, it was all very weird. :P Then I decided that it will be best to go to sleep and let the mind rest now and the moment I went to bed, this current shot straight from the base of spine to the head. Not sure what this meant too, I started feeling a huge pressure in the head. Thought it might damage the brain, I 'consciously' commanded [Yes, 'commanded', now I'm not sure how. :P] the blood to go to the Genital region [not sure why :P] to reduce the pressure. Still I was not being able to sleep, I was feeling this current ALL OVER so I decided to let out some. :P I commanded the current to exit the body through the feet and slowly it started draining out of the body through the feet until only a small comfortable amount was left in the feet which is when I stopped the draining. Went to sleep, next morning when I woke up, felt no current nothing except a VERY small amount of current at the tip of the fingers of hands and feet. [This much current also went away the next day.] Went to search on google about the Kundalini Rising and to my surprise almost everything from the sounds [specifically of bells] to the shaking to the tongue going back was a common experience of many people. I was happy that the experience was not just something made up in my mind. It was real! :D That's when I tried to start learning more and more about the body, yoga & meditation. :)

Now, about the Kechari Experince : I've managed to figure out what the tongue is doing physically in the body while performing the Kechari Mudra. When I insert the tongue in the cavity b/w the Middle Turbinate and the Sphenoid Sinus bone and breathe, the air pressure inside the Sphenoid Sinus increases [I've also found that there is Internal Carotid Artery on either sides of the sinus but not sure about if its related or not. (pressing the external part of the artery on either sides of our throat and breathing helps reduce heart rate and breathing rate)] and the tongue also stimulates the nerve endings of the Vagal Nerve [which in turn stimulates and activates the PNS] the heart rate + breathing rate decreases dramatically + lots of saliva formation.

That's all folks! :D


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Posted - Feb 24 2014 :  10:50:54 AM  Show Profile  Visit PersonX's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Also, I have a technique that works faster to sever the frenulum. Found this by instinct though its a bit rough.
Take the index finger of the left hand and place it on top part of the underside of the tongue and allow the tongue to get in the same position like it is when its touching the tip of the upper hard palate when performing Talavya Kriya i.e. in the suction posture with middle part of tongue backward and tip at the front then press the tongue on the index finger while pressing the index finger on the tongue sending the tongue back with pressure [pressure applied by tongue should be greater than pressure applied by finger]. Don't send the finger back all at once, do it slowly allowing the tongue to apply enough pressure to sever the frenulum slowly. If you do this right, you'll have tears in your eyes and feel a sharp pain in the mouth after a few seconds, just carry on doing this for a few seconds and DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE. [No you won't feel much pain in the frenulum :) although you might feel some pain in the jaw if you do it for too long but it will all go away. Also, NO you won't lose control of the tongue in any way [although in the starting the loose tongue WILL take some time [almost 2-3 days] to control because of extra muscle area that is now available to you for controlling but this also happens with regular Talavya Kriya] and it won't be damaged if you do it exactly like I said. If anything, you'll have better speech. :)]

And now, because I had read somewhere that people don't know why performing Talavya Kriya indirectly silents the mind and thoughts vanish for a while. This is also very simple. By performing Talavya Kriya, you tire your tongue which is a muscle. Now because the tongue is tired, small electrical impulses from the brain don't have enough energy and potential or cause to move the tongue. [Yes, thoughts are also nothing but movement of your tongue, very subtle movements which produce sound of only enough volume so that only you can hear it. (You might have heard someone saying 'turn down the volume, I can't even hear my thoughts' or experienced this yourself, in places with loud music/noise you are unable to hear your thoughts.) Many devices have also been made using this concept of (thoughts + movements of tongue + electrical impulses) for people who can't speak due to physical problems in the tongue. They attach certain wires in certain places which measure the electrical impulses coming from the brain to the tongue which are then connected to computers which figure out what they are saying and play it through electrical speakers. :) Neat, isn't it? :D]
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Posted - Mar 07 2014 :  12:15:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit GregM's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Your second post prompted me to look up some info on Talavya Kriya, so I googled it which led me to another post on (surprise, surprise) this very forum. Here's the post, if you'd like to take a look: http://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic....TOPIC_ID=415

As for your first post, I don't yet have the experience to be able to answer and, tbh, I couldn't make it all the way through the post before my irrational fear of super-long paragraphs stirred within me. Seriously, though, you'll elicit more responses if you break up your post much more. In this day and age, people are accustomed to (perhaps even spoiled by) short paragraphs of only 3-4 sentences each. More than that and you risk losing your audience.

Just some friendly advice,

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Posted - Mar 07 2014 :  2:10:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit PersonX's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for your advice GregM. I'm trying to put it to use now. :)
Its just that, it was my first post and I didn't want to miss anything so I kept on writing. :P

And that post you linked, I remember reading it a few days before I joined the AYP forum. :)

Thank you again! :)

- Px
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