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 Samyama: Issues within and outside of practice
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Posted - Apr 01 2010 :  12:01:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit Rael's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Dear AYPeeps!

* I have a lot of faith that Samyama can put one's life in order and affect the world in dynamic ways, but how do we pursue life outside of Samyama once we are putting the higher/inner forces back in charge?

* If we are surrendering the principles of the Sutras during practice, is it best to take our attention away from those matters during non-practice time? An example being health....do we just assume that our health is being taken care of, and just stop fussing with it ourselves.....kind of getting ourselves out of the way of the Samyama effect?

* Do our beliefs matter as much anymore with Samyama? I know that our beliefs form our reality, and i believe in all this on the surface, but have an inner habit of doubt that kicks in, despite my best efforts to starve it. Does Samyama work despite a shaky belief structure? I assume it helps to have one's belief system in full-accord (or at least open) with the process, but will it affect their outcome if the core beliefs are not?

* Do any aspects of the basic Samyama menu resolve fear? Ego (multiple)? Anger?

* I find gratitude to be a Magickal quality itself, when sincere and expressed back to G-D and the Universe. I would like to somehow magnify it's message with Samyama, but also don't want to jump ahead....i know, i am IMPOSSIBLE!

* Now that i am doing Deep Meditation, Pranayama and Samyama, i feel like there is an excavation project going on down in my pelvic region...hormones, ovaries, uterus, lower-spinal energies are vibrating and expressing activity! Any comments??? My whole body is actually vibrating all the time, which is actually pleasant during DM....somehow settles me down right away, like a rock!

* I am CRAZY sensitive to energy, and can get in too deep quickly. One method i have found that seems to help a lot, is to just cut the DM aspect by half until i adjust to any new additions, and then add it back in, lengthening it gradually back to 20 minutes. Hope this may be useful to others. Low-bitters Aloe, Cucumber, Mint, Turmeric, Chamomile are handy to have on hand to help manage heat-energy also! I carry extracts of the last two herbs in my purse.

* As we do our practices, will our life-circumstances naturally conform more to supporting us as yogis, as opposed to us having to take measures to make it do so?

* Also, i would love to hear people's accounts of how Samayama has affected their lives......one of my favorites is the story of the student who kept jumping across the floor, unknowingly, during the Akasha-Sutra work! Me next???....!

Love to all
Be safe and Happy



Edited by - Rael on Apr 02 2010 12:27:40 AM


821 Posts

Posted - Apr 02 2010 :  12:36:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Rael,

You already know what I'm going to say. You're gonna hate me real quick here

Actually, I'll try to answer what I can...

Originally posted by Rael

how do we pursue life outside of Samyama once we are putting the higher/inner forces back in charge?

We pursue life the same way as before. Things will change on their own, so we just adapt to those changes and follow our heart. There's no need to drastically change your behavior, unless there's an inner urge to do so.

Originally posted by Rael

* If we are surrendering the principles of the Sutras during practice, is it best to take our attention away from those matters during non-practice time? An example being health....do we just assume that our health is being taken care of, and just stop fussing with it ourselves.....kind of getting ourselves out of the way of the Samyama effect?

Stop fussing, yes. Take your attention away, no. Not sure if this is what you mean, but we don't ignore problems and assume samyama will fix them. If we feel sick, we see a doctor. Take whatever action is needed to alleviate the problem. But we don't have to dwell on our problems either. Samyama or no samyama, worry doesn't help our problems much.

Originally posted by Rael

* Do our beliefs matter as much anymore with Samyama? I know that our beliefs form our reality, and i believe in all this on the surface, but have an inner habit of doubt that kicks in, despite my best efforts to starve it. Does Samyama work despite a shaky belief structure? I assume it helps to have one's belief system in full-accord (or at least open) with the process, but will it affect their outcome if the core beliefs are not?

I find that beliefs matter as much (or as little) as we allow them to. A little doubt isn't going to kill the results of samyama. But why not suspend belief? Just be open to possibilities. If you have a fixed idea about what samyama will bring you, you may be disappointed.

Originally posted by Rael

Do any aspects of the basic Samyama menu resolve fear? Ego (multiple)? Anger?

There's no telling exactly how it will work for you. Not in specific details, anyways. For me, it hasn't removed fear, but makes me better equipped to deal with it. I gave a speech in class last week and was probably the most scared I've ever been during a speech. But it was all okay. I was very present and just watched everything (my nervousness, my shaky voice, students not paying attention, students with confused/bored looks on their faces, etc.). The fear was there, but didn't hook me the way it has before. Teacher said the speech was powerful and could tell I was present, not in my mind about it.

Ego and anger are still here too

Originally posted by Rael

As we do our practices, will our life-circumstances naturally conform more to supporting us as yogis, as opposed to us having to take measures to make it do so?

Not sure what you mean here. Samyama makes life easier for me. It flows much better. Things just fall into place now, where before I had to struggle to make them happen. But a large part of it is the "letting go" aspect. My life circumstances aren't ideal, but I don't worry or think too much about it. I do what I can and let go of the rest. Mind is a meddler. When mind takes its hands off everything, life is just happier and easier.

Originally posted by Rael

Also, i would love to hear people's accounts of how Samayama has affected their lives......one f my favorite is the story of the student who kept jumping across the floor, unknowingly, during the Akasha Sutra work! Me next???

Nothing exciting to report here. No jumping or levitating or anything like that. Just beauty and perfection as I walk through life. Just a feeling that I'm taken care of and don't have to worry about anything. Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing anything at all. The body just moves by an unseen force and I'm watching it happen. The sutra qualities (Love, Unity, etc.) come up from within and are seen more in the world around me. There is happiness and peace here. Nothing to write home about.

This is just my experience with samyama. Part of me doesn't want to create any expectations for you, but... well... typing happened

Your experience will be different, and beautiful in its own way. Let it unfold as it does. The mind will only suck the fun out of it.

Do it. Forget it. Live your life.

Much love to you
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Posted - Apr 02 2010 :  11:52:23 AM  Show Profile  Visit Rael's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Cosmic said:

I find that beliefs matter as much (or as little) as we allow them to. A little doubt isn't going to kill the results of samyama. But why not suspend belief? Just be open to possibilities. If you have a fixed idea about what samyama will bring you, you may be disappointed.
Raven said:

* Dear Cosmic....Thank you for all your work and attention here!...WOW!

* i guess i don't have as much of a notion of how intensely my beliefs manifest my reality. You seem much more in-touch with that dynamic than i and probably even MOST people.

* I think i am actually trying to suspend belief, but since i am only minimally conscious, automatonistic beliefs kinda kick in as a habit. If i were more conscious, i'd be carrying a lot less belief-baggage!

* Not knowing Samayama's nature, but feeling intituively strong about it's potency, i am trying to just hand myself over to the process and it's influence, and Keep as much of my lower nature/thought out of the way as possible. This is where all the questions spring from, because, deep-down, i feel there is a way of letting oneself just float on the stream of on-comiing life (like Taoists maybe?), and if attuned harmoniously to that flow, by way of something like Samyama, life might possibly be lived in a very easy, effortless, "safe" and powerful manner. Suspended expectations and beliefs (as you suggest) might be ways of clearing the decks for this. Many of us have come to believe, as i'm sure you know, that the harder we make things and the more effort we put in, the more we will benefit.

* From Spontaneous Chi Kung and Zen, i realized, awhile ago, that extremely passive measures, even devoid of intent (.....forgive me Don Juan/Castaneda!)....can bring about profound shifts in our reality, inner and outer. So, i kinda figure that we might complement the process/effects of Samayama by truly trusting what drives it, and just letting life unfold, while, at the same time, letting the machinations of ego have as little influence as we can manage. I would figure also, that the ego might eventually be subdued by the I AM....that would be nice! The more consciousness, the less Ego, of course. And, of course we ALWAYS have that choice (of relinquishing resistance inside and out).

* I may actually already be seeing effects after only a weeks practice. If this is so, i would guess (if my theory is correct here) that the more passive and out-of-the-way i get, the more the channels for the Samyama path to express in whatever way it will, will open, and in the best ways it can. I think i am messing about in technicalities, so i can make the most of it, having wasted much of my life frittering away beautiful opportunities on distraction and indulgences, that could have blossomed like this one seems to be.

* The more i am getting the hang of what Samyama is and isn't about, the more possible it seems that it could be the ultimate Chi Kung experience! ...OOOPS! another belief! Hah Hah!

* I like hearing about people's experiences......fireworks or not, it all goes into the pool of knowledge.

* When i asked if Samyama would conform our life-styles to our yogi-ness, i guess an example might be, finding a great opportunity for working at home, and on our own time, so that we could easily lengthen our practice and stick to it's scheduling? There could be many other types of examples of this, say, an unexpected inheritance so that we could go to study at Yogani's school and then live as AYP teachers ourselves...etc.

* You were saying that things have become less of a struggle for you. Maybe that continues to occur in many more ways, so that eventually the effect described above, completely takes over? In Spontaneous Chi Kung, we were instructed to conform our lives to that practice so that our lives would eventually perfect themselves. In a way, this seems to still be happening! But in that sense (Chi Kung perspective), we would be MAKING life conform, until a tme where life took up the new dynamics in and around us.

This stuff is hard to explain...YIPES! What's worse is that i keep falling asleep while writing, so it could be a real mess without me knowing it!

I must rest now, but it was great hearing from you, and would love to hear any further additions to the answers here!

Love and Cosmic Hugs


Edited by - Rael on Apr 02 2010 7:56:35 PM
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Posted - Apr 02 2010 :  8:12:07 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Rael,

With time and practice, you'll come to know what samyama is about. Yes, it does flow more effortlessly as you said. You mentioned Taoist-like "floating on the stream"... yeah, it can be experienced like that.

Originally posted by Rael

* When i asked if Samyama would conform our life-styles to our yogi-ness, i guess an example might be, finding a great opportunity for working at home, and on our own time, so that we could easily lengthen our practice and stick to it's scheduling? There could be many other examples of this, say, an unexpected inheritance so that we could go to study at Yogani's school and then live as AYP teachers ourselves...etc. I do realize here, though, that daily life IS a part of the developmental practice.

Hmm... can't say how it will unfold for you. What I can say is that as practice deepens, life and practice begin to support each other. That can take many forms though. For me, life supports my practice by taking care of my needs. I have a roof under which to meditate, food when I need it, and the people in my life give me the space I need.

Outside of twice daily AYP practice and occasionally coming here to share experiences, I don't pursue anything "spiritual". I just live a normal life and try to share love and happiness where I can. "Yogi-ness" vs. lifestyle really isn't an issue here.

Whatever you choose to pursue in life will be supported by samyama, but not necessarily in the way you envision it.

Originally posted by Rael

* You were also saying, things have become less of a struggle for you. Maybe that continues to occur in many more ways, so that our life supports us more for yogic development, rather than us having to fit yoga into stressed life-styles?

Less struggle, yes. Life supports us.

Originally posted by Rael

Cosmic Hugs

Yeah I do actually

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Posted - Apr 03 2010 :  12:09:17 AM  Show Profile  Visit Rael's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Great Replies Cosmic!

And despite my flurrying neurons...we are definitely on the same page. The "examples" i used of events happening to support our life-style were actually concoctions to illustrate what i was trying to say without them....yeah, i am seeing that concreteness is not the rule here.

One difference with us though, is in our predilections, me-thinks. I have been totally obsessed with other/inner-wordly things since i was able to THINK about them (tiny kid)....which has only increased in ferocity all that time! I am never happier than when submerged metaphysical stuff!. For this reason, AYP is good for me, because it's grounding, safety and sensibility aspects are strongly emphasized. I should have a rope tied around my waiste and anchored on a boulder, when left to my own devices!

My astrological chart is extremely rare and is heavily loaded with mystical leanings. I was shocked when i finally saw this, because it was SO ME! I would like to sense Earth-World in the way as Taoists strove to, to blend with all words and experiences without preference or reactivity, but instead with appropriate responsiveness.

For now, i am (I AM!) still a wild child let loose in a candy store! Yogani promises that these matters will be replaced with deeper realization, and i am happy about that too!

Cosmic Hugs (again!) and love
and thank you so much!

I do actually


That's really cute!

Edited by - Rael on Apr 03 2010 12:03:46 PM
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Posted - Apr 05 2010 :  06:24:52 AM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Rael

Samyama is great isn't it

So, i kinda figure that we might complement the process/effects of Samayama by truly trusting what drives it, and just letting life unfold....

You know.....as it is experienced here....the most beautiful about Samyama...is that inner silence increases between practices.....

I started Samyama about 3 years ago, then after a while had to stop it because of the strength of the ecstatic surges that went on 24/7, then tried it again a while later but again it caused overload...there was so much purification going on it was simply too much for the nervous system to handle. Last December....after having included standing qi-gong in my practice (this was really grounding) I was promted to try it again, and this time...it is allowed to stay.


While in the cave on La Gomera this winter...the Samyama practice enhanced itself (inner silence touched the finer mechanics of it..so it was understood in a different way).....and when I recently included cosmic Samyama before going to sleep at night...this enabled further intergration. Practising Tai Chi every day here (thank you Dr. Beijung in Dun Laoghaire) is also making this possible.....it grounds and smoothes and spreads the energy where it can flow freely....

Inner silence is the only Siddhi I am interested in (maybe this is not called a siddhi?....)......since it is experienced here that nothing compares to that. Inner silence is all there is.....and so much goodness comes with it. The silence speaks inside/outside in many different ways.....and through Samyama....the hearing of it is greatly enhanced. It is a beautiful practice.....and I am so grateful that it doesn't cause overload anymore.....

Between meditation times.....because of Samyama.....the habit here of not engaging in mind chatter/emotional stirrups etc now unfolds organically....it is as if the letting go....the releasing of everything...anything at all.......is a natural occurence that needs no "minding" anymore. It is beautiful.......because the heart becomes trust itself.....

, while, at the same time, letting the machinations of ego have as little influence as we can manage

So...this second part....is really the same thing. It is a natural consequence if the first part (cultivation of inner silence and integrating the energy that comes from it) is taken care of. All of AYP (and other balanced systems) is great for that.

And with Samyama we are on both sides of the fence...gently caressing the fence until it melts

May what you really want from all your dreams..... what you desire in the deepest place of your heart....... come true Rael
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Posted - Apr 05 2010 :  06:43:32 AM  Show Profile  Visit Jivaakabhasana_Yogi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
And with Samyama we are on both sides of the fence...gently caressing the fence until it melts.

Wow Katrine, I really love that...that is exactly
what I would have said, but didn't have the words to say it....and you've said it so beautifully.

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Posted - Apr 05 2010 :  08:29:22 AM  Show Profile  Visit Rael's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Rael

Samyama is great isn't it

Rael: * Hi Katrine!

* Yes, it is!!! Hee Hee!

So, i kinda figure that we might complement the process/effects of Samayama by truly trusting what drives it, and just letting life unfold....

You know.....as it is experienced here....the most beautiful about Samyama...is that inner silence increases between practices.....

Rael: * I have started noticing this short-term! It is as if it lays it's own foundation for success, beyond what DM was doing!

Katrine: I started Samyama about 3 years ago, then after a while had to stop it because of the strength of the ecstatic surges that went on 24/7, then tried it again a while later but again it caused overload...there was so much purification going on it was simply too much for the nervous system to handle. Last December....after having included standing qi-gong in my practice (this was really grounding) I was promted to try it again, and this time...it is allowed to stay.

Rael: * WOW!....this is really interesting! I was going to avoid Chi Kung because i figured it would over-load as well, but this tells me a lot! i have not been able to do two rounds each of the sutras (only one each), have cut akasha back to one instead of 3 and 20 minute I AM is now 10 minutes, Pranayama down to 10 min. I thought reducing DM would do it, but Samayama seems to grow in intensity in the system, beyond what might be expected.

Katrine: Jiippii

While in the cave on La Gomera this winter...the Samyama practice enhanced itself (inner silence touched the finer mechanics of it..so it was understood in a different way).....and when I recently included cosmic Samyama before going to sleep at night...this enabled further intergration. Practising Tai Chi every day here (thank you Dr. Beijung in Dun Laoghaire) is also making this possible.....it grounds and smoothes and spreads the energy where it can flow freely....

Rael: * I have suggested Tai Chi to patients of mine, but have not done it in years....it makes sense here. I am hoping to be able to keep regulating without having to give it up completely, for a geat length of time. I had to take a break like that, maybe a year ago, from starting with another system. Four months off all practices!

Katrine: Inner silence is the only Siddhi I am interested in (maybe this is not called a siddhi?....)......since it is experienced here that nothing compares to that. Inner silence is all there is.....and so much goodness comes with it. The silence speaks inside/outside in many different ways.....and through Samyama....the hearing of it is greatly enhanced. It is a beautiful practice.....and I am so grateful that it doesn't cause overload anymore.....

Rael: * I am so happy for you!

Katrine: rBetween meditation times.....because of Samyama.....the habit here of not engaging in mind chatter/emotional stirrups etc now unfolds organically....it is as if the letting go....the releasing of everything...anything at all.......is a natural occurence that needs no "minding" anymore. It is beautiful.......because the heart becomes trust itself.....

Rael: * I have been wanting to hear descriptions like this......

, while, at the same time, letting the machinations of ego have as little influence as we can manage

Katrine: So...this second part....is really the same thing. It is a natural consequence if the first part (cultivation of inner silence and integrating the energy that comes from it) is taken care of. All of AYP (and other balanced systems) is great for that.

Rael: * GREAT!!!

Katrine: And with Samyama we are on both sides of the fence...gently caressing the fence until it melts

May what you really want from all your dreams..... what you desire in the deepest place of your heart....... come true Rael

Rael: * Thank you SO much Katrine! May you enjoy the same, and blessings to you!

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Posted - Apr 05 2010 :  1:45:38 PM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Jivaakabhasana_Yogi and Rael

Thank you both

Rael: Just in case you are wondering about the quote facility.....just mark the text you want to quote....then copy it....then place the cursor where you want the text in your post and paste it there...then mark it where it now is...then click on the white sheet with the red arrow (the icon on top of your post format screen)...and voliĆ ...the text is within the brackets :) You can also click the quote icon first...and then place the copied text in the middle of it
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Posted - Apr 06 2010 :  08:07:31 AM  Show Profile  Visit Rael's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Katrine

Hi Jivaakabhasana_Yogi and Rael

Thank you both

Rael: Just in case you are wondering about the quote facility.....just mark the text you want to quote....then copy it....then place the cursor where you want the text in your post and paste it there...then mark it where it now is...then click on the white sheet with the red arrow (the icon on top of your post format screen)...and voliĆ ...the text is within the brackets :) You can also click the quote icon first...and then place the copied text in the middle of it

Dear Katrine!

I thank you so much for he details above, and i will try to sort them out!

Also, can i ask the specifics on the standing Chi Kung?....i have books and experience to fill in any details that might be too much to express here. I was guessing it might be "Bear Stance", where you kinda hug a very large imaginary tree, with your knees bent and back straight? Do you touch the roof of the mouth with the tongue? I notice that the tongue measure is not emphasized in AYP or other Kundalini practices. I am a very sensitive type and would rather not have to keep making all of these mini-adjustments, every time i move up in my practice.

I still find the power of Samayama to be unbelieveable! Talk about the power of thought!...OMG!!!

Blessings to you and on your progress,


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1813 Posts

Posted - Apr 06 2010 :  09:33:45 AM  Show Profile  Visit Katrine's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Rael

Glad you got that sorted

Also, can i ask the specifics on the standing Chi Kung?....i have books and experience to fill in any details that might be too much to express here. I was guessing it might be "Bear Stance", where you kinda hug a very large imaginary tree, with your knees bent and back straight? Do you touch the roof of the mouth with the tongue? I notice that the tongue measure is not emphasized in AYP or other Kundalini practices. I am a very sensitive type and would rather not have to keep making all of these mini-adjustments, every time i move up in my practice.

When standing....it looks like something between "standing like a tree" and "standing like a bear".....the only video I could find that is close is the one below. My stand is like the first standing in the video except with the hands formed as if on a pregnant belly ....the energy build up between the hands and the Dan Tien is very strong and radiates through my feet into the ground.


No - I do not have the toungue rolled back when in Standing qi gong or Tai chi. Only during my sitting practices.

As for the emphasis on the tongue in AYP - yes, it is emphasized You will find all the information in Yoganis lessons covering the practice of Kechari - starting with this lesson:


Good luck with your practice
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